Friday 18 June 2010

Hugh Whitehouse on sports

"I'm pretty sure that if Australia lose to Ghana on Saturday somehow, somewhere people will blame Kevin Rudd."


Mobius said...

Only because the Murdoch media would probably tell them to tell them to

KitchenSlut said...

For the first time in my life investing in a mine in Ghana looks a better risk return than investing in a mine in Australia!?

Go Ghana!

Bryan Law said...

Kevin, my precioussss, they're trying to take you away from ussss.

Just because you stand for nothing, do nothing, and undermine the values of democracy and good government. They don't understand that you pay lip service in place of action, and the other side is evil.

It takes real talent to turn all your good-will to shit in a single term. It was talent you showed in the Goss government in Queensland, and talent you've confirmed for us now.

p.s. Tony abbott is evil.

Inghte said...

Mike Carlton covers this well in today's Brisbane Times

Keep taking the pills Bry.