Sunday, 20 June 2010

Labor facing wipeout after NSW by-election

Labor is facing a total wipeout after a disastrous NSW by-election, so say Linda Silmalis and Claire Harvey in The Sunday Telegraph today.

A swing of 25% to the Coalition and swings of 35% recorded at some polling booth. "Rudd is a dead man walking if this is anything to go by," says Carl Butcher.
  • LABOR is facing political oblivion, with Premier Kristina Keneally having failed to woo angry western Sydney voters in Penrith.

    In a devastating result for the State Government, Liberal candidate Stuart Ayres annihilated Labor, with former mayor John Thain suffering a two-party preferred swing of more than 25 per cent.

    Across the polling booths, swings of up to 35 per cent were recorded in favour of the Coalition as voters turned their back on Labor. Labor needs to lose only six seats to hand government to the Coalition.

1 comment:

kate said...

Leichardt will be one of those......bye bye Jimmy. You haven't done a thing. Bring on Warren Entsch. At least he can see that putting public housing in Palm Cove is rediculous and a massisve waste of our taxpayers money!!!!