Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Sugarworld could be open by Christmas: Cr Rob Pyne

Councillor Rob Pyne will today seek to rescind a motion for Cairns Regional Council to undertake a feasibility study to replace old waterslides at the Edmonton Sugarworld facility.

Robert Pyne has had hundreds of calls from locals, upset that the waterpark will be closed indefinitely, pending a study into the future of the leisure park.

Many simply want the slides repaired and reopened in time for the next season.

If the original motion is dropped, Pyne will seek support to move immediately to seek out suppliers to replace the four wateslides that are deemed unsuitable and in need of replacement.

It is also believed that the $4 million believed to be allocated in the 2010/11 budget, could be halved, and this could sway many to support the alternative motion.

In light of the expected 5% general rate rise, this could be a wise move for Council.

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