Thursday, 1 April 2010

Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated

Well, now that the cyclone has been and gone, registering a category 5 on the NewsLtd hype scale (around the same as the shocking appearance of yet another snake in a back yard), we can now all rest a bit easier.
Like Councilor Sno Bonneau, I needed a rest, but I wasn't in the south of France, however, unlike Mayor Val Schier, I'm not having a significant milestone birthday, nor did I go out the other night with shoes like Cr Margaret Cochrane was wearing.
Thanks for all the supportive emails, but for some reason Paul Freebody's wasn't what I expected. Needless to say, I will continue to pray for him and his wet dream of a waterpark.
I'll crack this mother up again, so all those good folk in government departments (especially Gavin at Health) has something to do after he corrects Council media releases.


Miss Chief said...

So THERE you are! I was thinking of asking for volunteers for a search party. Glad you're back on deck and ready to take up the cudgel again.

James F from the Southside said...

YAY... I was about to slit my wrists and jump off the third floor of the Coun cil building.

Tanya Brooks-Cooper said...

Thank goodness you are back! I missed you too much

Lillian at Yorkeys said...

Yay!!! - Mike's back, thank heavens. Next time you take a break, could you at least put something like 'Gone Fishing' up on the Blog - everyone in FNQ would understand that one. I spent hours scanning the obituary pages in the ComPost for possible notification of your demise.
Very glad you're back. Lead on . . .

Noj Nedlaw said...

Glad to see that your back Mike - I think we can all understand your need for the odd break (or two)~!

Blogged out from Bungalow said...

yeah, we missed ya like a frog misses a French restuarant

Peter C said...

Hi Mike - good to see your musings back