$450,000 has come from the State coffers to get fat-arse Queenslanders active through sport and recreation. The Pedestrian Movement and Cycle Travel Strategy project is trying to encourage walking and cycling on safe off-road circuits from...
- Esplanade lagoon,
along the foreshore to the Botanic Gardens
Cairns Central Swamp
along scenic waterways including Lily Creek and Saltwater Creek
past some regional sporting centres
This would involve upgrading and providing linkages between existing shared paths.
Council is interested in hearing what you think about the proposed circuit. To find out more and to have your say:
You can either telephone 4044 3303 drop ideas in the post (Box 359, Cairns Qld 4870) to the public consultation and communications officer, or drop an email.
- Download detailed map PDF.
I'm probably going to stir the pot by standing on my soap box and yelling that those of us who live outside the CBD pay rates, get fat and can be run-over too.
I've come to the conclusion that if I want to get more bang for my ratepayers buck, I'm going to have to sell up in Gordonvale and move into a cement highrise cell block in Cairns - or become a tourist.
I dont pay my rates to support the life style enjoyed by the urban ants. I want to have the chance to be able to enjoy going out for a daily walk without the risk of breaking bones because of rough terrain.
Go south of Forest Gardens and enter the world of the forgotten "Southern Suburbs". I really pine for the days when Edmonton and Gordonvale had their own identities and weren't just honeypots to be raided to feed the hive of Cairns.
so much for the pot stirring
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