Friday, 16 April 2010

LNP expells monkey-caller anti-Obama member

The not so Liberal National Party has expelled a young member who called US president Barack Obama a "monkey" on Twitter.

22 year old Griffith University medical student Nick Sowden Twittered during Kerry O'Brien's Obama interview last night.

"Im not sure why they paid kerry to fly to america. if they wanted an interview with a monkey surely a Ferry to Taronga would have sufficed."

"If i wanted to see a monkey on TV id watch Wildlife Rescue #justsaying #obama730," Nick Sowden wrote.


nocturnal congress said...

I think Master Sowden might be more comfortable with his views in Alabama....

Miss Chief said...

Please don't send him there NC... I have a good friend who is a reporter with a Newspaper in Alabma. I'm sure she can find enough to write about with all the drug busts etc, without throwing a stupid, ignorant Aussie git into the mix! If you think that Alabama is a state of white supremasists then you should wander down the streets she would be hard put to see caucasians. Nick Sowden wouldn't last 5 mins, let alone have time to Twitter!

Warren Entsch said...

Hey Miss Chief, are you a rascist troll? Is your boss in the secret pedophile gang from on high from the big end of town? I seriously can't work your post out.