Friday 30 April 2010

Labour Day Monday: “Queensland: Not for Sale”

This Monday is labour day, not Labor day.

At 10am along the Cairns Esplanade (meeting opposite Cairns Base Hospital) you can join the annual march and rally on what is the real the Workers’ Day. The theme this year is opposition to the privatisation of Queensland Rail and other publicly-owned assets.

There'll also be stalls and children’s activities, that should keep the politicians amused for the morning.

Also on this weekend, is Renewable Energy Now! For FNQ, a campaign launch and community picnic on Sunday May 2. It starts at 11am at the Cairns Lagoon (meet near metal fish).

The campaign is calling for a rapid transition to renewable energy for our region and part of the national 100% Renewables campaign.


col said...

Are our gutless local members going?
The shifty asset selling worms.
If "parachute" pitt fronts ask him directly as he told me "we had no choice but to sell the assets"
ask him why?

Bryan Law said...

I'll be there. Looking for Desley Boyle, the lying vindictive Boss.

I expect though that she has more important things to do than celebrating Labour day - after all it will be polluted by workers.

Jim is gone said...

Bryan I was thinking of dressing up as an ugly bitch woman for the march.
I am a bit scared now as you may think I am desley and abuse the shit out of me or ask me for a loan .
Shit what am I going to wear now damn !
I could go as a rudd puppet but if jim mumbles turnitup goes I,m stuffed there too as he might have his turtle dugong minders with him !
Shit I could go as the the three stooges but if parachute pitt and steven noballs and redwine obrien front up my diguise is blown.
Bloody hell I could go as myself but if the above idiots there go . And they see you and me they might piss off in the middle of their speech and stuff the day up.
I will think about it over the weekend and decide monday morning.

Ursula Lyons said...

likes this.

KitchenSlut said...

Most other States have abandoned the quaint anachronism of Labo(u)r day for the pragmatism of spreading their Public Hols over the year? Rather than cramming everything into a month or two as in Cairns!?

One day we may also have sane laws for many things but perhaps beyond our lifetime?