Friday 16 April 2010

On the war path: Margaret Cochrane in charge

It's officially official. Margaret Cochrane is Mayor of Cairns. At least for the next two weeks anyway.

It's understood she has been given a good talking to, prior to Val Schier's departure today, for two weeks holiday.

"This is my first real break since taking office in March 2008, so I'm really looking forward to it," Val Schier said this morning.

Schier is off on a European holiday, which will also be a chance to celebrate her 60th birthday next Thursday.

As usual, we expect the rats will play, while the putty cat is away. With Margaret Cochrane on the war path, I suggest you email her with your requests, to keep the acting Mayor busy.


Oliver Redlynch said...

With all flights grounded in Europe due to the ash cloud, not the best time to be starting a European Holiday. Poor Val - probably end up sleeping on the airport floor in Singapore - how ever did Margaret arrange it.

colin riddell that thinks the council sucks said...

Great to see the mayor looking after the economy of europe , what about holidaying in australia !

A Cairns resident who thinks Riddell sucks said...

You just can't help yourself Riddell can you? A quick Google Search is all that is needed to see why you don't like Val. Now that I'm better informed next time I won't bother even reading your comments.

Bryan Law said...

Oliver, our Maggie clearly has an understanding with the Lord of the Underworld, so arranging a volcanoe is easy peasy for her.

Telling the truth is much harder, so she doesn't worry about that.

I would google you too but you are hiding wimp said...

Does it count if I USED to like her ?
Before she turned the city upside down and broke every promise she made ?
SEE BELOW but then again that was a while ago.

Thank you. Now, where to start?? Val
----- Original Message colin
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 9:46 AM
Subject: Well done Val

the flying dutchman said...

Just another 'Blake girl' left in charge! Look for the whole bloody city to be renamed in his honor now.
What a joke, can it really get any worse?

Travelling Hillbilly said...

Love the shot of 'our Marg', legs akimbo!!!

Miss Raw Hide said...

With legs apart so unladylike is it any wonder she is still looking for someone to ease her frustrations. From the office of Mayor I am sure she will be able to line up a couple of hot dates!

the dutchman said...

I thought Blakey serviced all his 'girls' personally

Lillian at Yorkeys said...

Next two weeks - Developers Party Time - Big Drinkies in the Planning Department at Council??? The photo - you see Marg with her Magic Pen. What's that? Well, I attend lots of our local Residents Association Meetings at YOrkeys Knob, with Big Marg in attendance every month.
With her Magic Pen she jots down the concerns of the locals - a street has flooded for the fifth years running, we want a sign regarding the Dog Beach, we want our beach dunnies upgraded - that sort of thing.
With her Magic Pen, Marg notes these things down, and then, & this is why the Pen is Magic - all the words disappear from her notepad, & Nothing Is Done.
Indeed, Magic!! But developers, get going - there's lots to be had from Marg in the next couple of weeks.

Cairns Resident said...

Is that Sharon stone ????

Geez I feel important! said...

No, not really Cairns resident...she is on the short list for Ch 10 the Biggest Looser. Go Margie!!