Cairns MP Desley Boyle replied today to Bryan Law's letter last week:
- From: Cairns Electorate Office
Sent: Wednesday, 28 April 2010 2:55 PM
Subject: Reply to letter of 19 April
Dear Mr Law,
You have formally requested a reply to your ill-worded letter containing ugly and erroneous descriptions of myself.
My reply is this: you have been found guilty and sentenced in a court of law. My advice to you is that you carry out the sentence of the court.
Yours faithfully,
Desley Boyle MP
Member for Cairns
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Sob, sob, Desley doesn’t like me any more. “ill-worded letter” is an opinion I suppose, and even though I think my writing is quite well-formed, Desley is entitled to disagree. “Ugly descriptions”? Well yes. But “erroneous” ? Let’s see:
Your behaviour in relation to the Cairns Yacht Club was disgraceful and unconscionable.
Motivated solely by greed. TRUE
You lied to me. TRUE
You lied to the electorate. TRUE
You were caused no financial loss by my actions. TRUE
You and the ALP have corrupted and diminished our democracy. AHHH – you have me there – it’s a matter of opinion rather than fact.
Desley, please accept the most abject and complete apology from this worthless worm and piece of shit. I am not worthy to sniff the farts of you or your Labor coven.
On the other hand, if your government was to allow us another election (now that we know your real policies) you and Anna Bligh could join me in unemployment, and we could reflect together on our respective errors.
OOMIN HELL THREE WEEKS IN A ROW I AGREE WITH BRYAN LAW !!!!!!!!!!! Especially the last four lines.
I will be doing my best to unseat the lot of you , and turncoat you are first.
Only hope you are wedged in the unemployment que between me and my other large mate hhhaaa
"I am a sinner for which I do not expect forgiveness, but I am not a government official."
No one plays the victim more often than Bryan Law, and no one is more unconvincing at it.
Can't tell if it's caused by his illiteracy, or his arrogance.
In any event we're pleased to hear he won't be serial pesting taxi customers anymore.
Brevity is the key Bryan. Adopt it!
BO, old buddy, I love you too.
(is that brief enough Sam?)
love your work baby....
Stop it, Bryan, you'll go blind. Desley was concisely spot-on.
Chris of Manunda says;
B. Law was convicted of an honest offence in a dishonest court.
D.Boyle stands conviced of dishonest offences in the "Vourt of Public Opinion"
Perpaps D.Boyle would care to tell her constituents about her "snug as a bug" romps with Gordon Nuttle or better still A Bligh's plan to sell off SPER to private enterprise with the sweetner of being able to buy in personal debt and collect using the existing powers of SPER.
Perhaps she might even tell us where the countless millions went from indiginous community councils the last time she was in charge of local government.
Chris of Manunda
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