Thursday, 15 April 2010

Vote 1 Jim launched to turn around electorate dissatisfaction

The election of Australia's 43rd Parliament must be held by 16 April 2011, however it's likely to occur in November this year, only six months away.
This Federal election will be a difficult one for Leichhardt MP Jim Turnour, who has just launched his re-election campaign website. 'Vote 1 Jim - building a better future' is designed to lure support, and rebuild Turnour's dramatic win, the highest swing in the country, just four short years ago.
Turnour went into the 2007 campaign with Liberal Warren Entsch stepping aside, who held a 10.2% margin. Charlie McKilliop ran against Turnour, but a consistent nationwide revolt against the Libs, delivered a 14.29% swing to Turnour, who holds the seat by just 4.03%. This is clearly winnable by the opposition LNP, who will contest this election the first time as a combined party of Liberals and National.
Many in the electorate are far from happy with the first-time MP's record, with much unrest in the party itself, expressing displeasure with Turnour's ability to follow-through and communicate directly with constituents. Regular Labor supporters acknowledge Jim Turnour's 'clumsiness', but vocal union factions within the local ALP, have fallen out in Queensland and on a Federal level.
Many who voted Labor in 2007 now publicly ridicule the lanky MP who has a bumpy track record of dealing with issues and following through problems. It's fair to say that Turnour has failed to turn around his communication skills, often being compared to reading press releases anytime he is called for an opinion.
Warren Entsch, who will contest the seat, will be a fierce opponent. He is without doubt a better public speaker and will have a commanding presence in a debate. Turnour has agreed to a public debate but only wishes to talk about the Federal government's health programme, something that Entsch says is ridiculous. He wants an open debate where all important issues are up for discussion, and I have to agree.
It's very unlikely that ALP will retain its margin, gained in the swing against the former Howard government, however it's not in the bag for either party.
"Jim Turnour, working with Kevin Rudd, has identified four key priorities to build a better future for Leichhardt and the Tropical North," so Turnour claims on his fresh new website.
"These include strengthening and diversifying our local economy, improving health services, closing the gap between indigenous and non indigenous Australians and protecting our world renowned environment," Jim Turnor says.
The controversial Wild Rivers legislation; the flawed climate debate around the Emissions Trading Scheme; and 14% unemployment in the greater Cairns region, will be some of the hot issues on the agenda for Turnour to confront over the next few months.
Expect many hand outs and announcements over the next few months, as sweeteners. Might be a good time to write too Jim asking for a top up for your community project.
However, it will take a great deal more than a flash website to turn around the very real dissatisfaction across the northern most electorate in Australia.


Clifton Ratbags Rule said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
colin you know who jimmy said...


Glenn Labslest said...

Clifton Ratbags Rule with comments like that, you deserve public housing in your white shoe neighbourhood.

Clifton Ratbags Rule said...

What do we think empty-suit Turnhour will do to support his wife and child after he's booted out?

[Ed note: NB: Whilst there is a great degree of flexibility in comments on here, I clearly will not allow nor accept racial hatred of any type.

Please ensure all comments follow the CairnsBlog comment posting policy. ]

In the know said...

'Lanky' MP. I think you need to check your dictionary Mike. He may be a mumbly but he ain't a lanky.

Will Shakes said...

Both Mumbles and Stentsch are poor public speakers. Mumbles because he mumbles and Stentsch because he shouts and hollers but fails to inspire. "He huffs and frets his hour upon the stage, full of sound and fury, signifying .... nothing"

Thornton On Spence said...

You only need to follow Jim Turnour on Twitter to realise what a total fool and failure he is.
I am upfront a Liberal and bitterly disappointed we had to revert to Warren Entsch but he is still a better option than this bumbling lightweight.
At least he can breeze back into a role more suited to him in the Public Service.

Labor Booth Worker said...

Put down your glasses folks Jim [Canberra's man in Cairns] Turnour is as good as gone,another oncer!

Another Labor Booth Worker said...

What odds that "Labor Booth Worker" could also call him/herself "Public Sector Unionist"?
Turnour is the target of factional trouble because he won't be pressured into opposing Qld asset sales.
I note that the supposed dissatisfaction with Turnour's performance cites not a single example. It's just scuttlebutt.

Bryan Law said...

Democracy in Australia is at a nadir. We have political "representatives" whose only job is to spread the party line downwards, while the state regulates in finer and finer detail what the citizen is allowed to do.

I don't regret putting John Howard out of our misery, but Jim Turnour has failed every basic test of what a representative of Leichhardt should be able to achieve.

All I asked of him was that a Minister (Joel Fitzgibbon at the time) reply to a letter. Jim found that far too difficult.

The important thing is to make sure he loses the next election.

I don't believe "Labor Booth Worker" that it's going to happen automatically. I reckon it's up to us to make it happen.

The icing on the cake is that we can get rid of Warren Entsch next time if we need to.

Col Again! said...

You are being harsh on "mumbles " he is famous they named TWITter after him hhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Cairns Resident said...

If Turnhour doesn't come out and say he is opposed to the Conroy Internet Filter he's a goner!

Al said...

Turnour or Entsch? Well, I think I'd rather mumbling Jim in the government back-bench than the spittle-spraying Waz in the opposition back-bench. Besides, Enstch has had more than a fair turn at the trough. Now he is simply being greedy.

leucogaster said...

OK, so Jim's no Toastmaster, but I know that he is intelligent, energetic, ethical and sober. And he's not a blowhard. I can't say the same for Warren Entsch.

nocturnal congress said...

Ditto, leucogaster. Jim is hard working, ethical and sober at all times. He is a devoted husband and a good father. Characterwise, he is beyond reproach. It's a pity some of the other wanna be "community leaders" don't have the same sterling personal qualities.

Bryan Law said...

Hmmmm, "ethical" - I wonder what it means in this context?

Ethically failing to keep any promises or represent his constituents?

Ethically failing to enter the debate on Wild Rivers while proclaiming loudly that he's super-committed to "closing the Gap".

Ethically subverting his conscience to obey the KRuddster?

I just hope that "devoted husband and father" is truer than "ethical". Jim's a dud!

Bazza said...

Approx 12 months ago there was a problem with ABC digital from saddle mountain, I contacted Jim Tourners office was directed to speak with technician in Sydney, then everybody worked together, problem fixed after short time, received follow up from Jim himself and the federal communications minister, can't ask for better than that, thanks Jim.
We now have Warren Entch who is an expert on DOG HOUSES, this fella apparently had trouble relocating a house onto the correct piece of land on the tablelands. Years ago when entch was in power the byrne council without consultation changed a lot of properties to Res3, no notice placed at front for one month of submissions and the next thing people who had lived in the adjoining properties for decades were woken to the sound of machinery to begin to build 2 & 3 story apartment complexes over looking their yards.
WHERE WAS YOUR PROTESTING THEN WARREN?, too busy designing a mono rail for the daintree.

party room leaker said...

IF "mumbles" is such a sterling candidate and done such a fine job .
Why then did they ask him to stand down and he refused?
I even know the name of the person asked to replace him , as the party heavies know he is unelectable.
Answer this party stooges and I MAY SHUT UP.

Another Labor Booth Worker said...

Yeah, sure thing, "Party Room Leaker" - who's "they"? What a crock! Who are the party heavies? By all means shut up.
Bryan, perhaps you're right, maybe Turnour should abandon loyalty to the voters who elected him, and devote his time to pursuing your particular hobby-horses. That'd go down well.

Bryan Law said...


all I wanted was an answer to a letter, and an opportunity to discuss the issues. Explain what part of that involved "abandoning loyalty to the voters who elected him". Did Jim promise during his campaign that he would never conduct an open discussion on defence issues did he?

When he was asking for our votes, that came out as "I think my heart is in the right place".

I love the new Labor line that "whatever the factional bosses think is all the people are allowed to have".

Jim Turnour is a dud. KRudd is a menace.

nocturnal congress said...

To the best of my belief, Turnour has never been asked to "stand down". Somehow that furphy smacks of political skulduggery and wishful thinking. It cracked me up. However since we are on the subject of personal characteristics...have a good look at Entsch's heart attack waiting to happen. And that isn't wishful thinking either.

Joe Battler said...

I agree NC. Wazza's weight (and not just his empty rhetoric) is an issue. He looked grotesque in the paper. How much flab can one man carry and still stay alive? If he can't manage himself better how can he manage the electorate for another three years.

Jim may be light weight in both senses of the term but he looks healthy and is a decent human being. If under the compulsory preferential system we are forced to end up finally choosing between Jim and Waz then I'm afraid it's no contest. Just remember to give your vote to a Green or independent first.

Vaughn Murgatroyd said...

Mike, very disappointed that my comment was removed.

Simple fact is, Turnour has done very little to support those who got him elected.

Indeed, he has done very little to support the broader community and
has turned his back on us all by failing to speak up against Bligh's
privatisation plans. Privatisation of state owned assets flies in the
face of Labor party platform. For Jim to say that he won't comment
because it is a state issue is a nonsence, as privatisation will
affect every one of his constituents. Jim owes his political success almost solely to the union members money that funded his campaign.

The seat of Leichardt was hard won and it would be a tragedy to see it
handed back to the Tories. Just what will it take for both federal
and state Labor to wake up to themselves and start to listen to those who elected them? Blind faith in Labor is just pure fantasy.

Love your blog Mike, but Turnour cannot be above constructive criticism, nor can any other public representative.

P.S. please forgive me if I am mistaken

Labor Booth Worker said...

Reality always demands respect. Internal ALP local polling reflects the sad state of the political fortunes of Turnour.
The Socialist left faction to which Turnour, McLucas, O'Brien and Wettenhall belong, control the selection process in Leichhardt, Cook and Barron River. That ensures their party endorsement but not their election.
Rudd would rather a smooth transition from Turnour to a clean skin but Rudd knows the transplant wont take despite anti rejection drugs.
Therefore, rather than turmoil Rudd has written off the seat.

Jim is gone said...

IF JIM TURNOUR is so good let us look at his pre election and during his pained terms record .


"Cairns will be home to one of the first of Federal Labor’s proposed Defence Family Healthcare Clinics."

"The clinics will extend free GP and general dental services to the spouses and dependants of those serving in the Cairns area. "

"The Cairns clinic will house a GP half of each day five days per week with a nurse all day, and a dentist and a dental nurse all day five days per week. The services will be free for all Defence families."


The meeting was opened and closed by Mr Jim Turnour MP, Federal Member for Leichhardt

The meeting was advised that potential applicants would also be encouraged to participate in an Australian Defence Force (ADF) Family Healthcare trial, expected to start in Cairns in mid 2009. The aim of the trial is to evaluate a model of healthcare that will benefit ADF families.

Has it happened happened ?


and this one in townsvillie

Defence clinic axed


May 15th, 2008

THE Federal Labor Government has broken a promise to operate a clinic providing free medical and dental care to defence force families at Lavarack Barracks.




More to come .

If rudd had not spent billions we would have got nothing as it turned out he did spend billions and we still got nothing.

The promises we got last time will be the promises we get AGAIN.

Jim is gone said...

Noctunal congress fibber!
"To the best of my belief
"Turnour has never been asked to "stand down"
You worded that like a stooge .
God he can hardly put two sentences together .

The real ALP said...

There hasn't been a single voice opposed to Jim in the local ALP, and I challenge any of these 'insiders' to suggest even a single name to prove me wrong. Tapped on the shoulder, what rubbish. More LNP gits trying to talk down the very strong, united local ALP - ready to steamroll Entsch at the next election and send him out to pasture for good.
I predict a July election and a win for Jim with a 10% margin

True Labor Thug said...

Do I need to remind voters and potential voters that Jim Turnour is famous for his work on the structure of DNA, the operation of the immune system, the invention of penicillin, magnetic resonance imaging..... and that’s just some of his work in medicine. He’s also done groundbreaking stuff in economics, physics and chemistry – and is personally endorsed by Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, and the resurrected Jesus Christ.

Compared to which, Warren Entsch is a fattie.

I’m confident you’ll all vote for Jim in the next election. (Among other things, we’ll be taking your name if you don’t, and you’ll be compost before Christmas.)

Jim is gone said...

There hasn't been a single voice opposed to Jim in the local ALP, and I challenge any of these 'insiders' to suggest even a single name to prove me wrong.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009
"Even Federal Labour MP for Leichhardt, Jim Turnour, was a member of the Public Sector Union, and when the Federal election campaign was heating up, Turnour joined the ETU, that supported his bid for election in 2007," Stuart Traill says. "However as soon as he got elected, two weeks after the election, he resigned from the QPSU," Trail says.

"They contributed a significant of resources into his campaign," Traill says. "I've tried to engage Jim in a number of issues that affect our members. In the construction industry, we still have the Australia Building and Construction Commission that sees us subject to coercive powers. Jim won't do anything about this."

The Real ALP said...

Thank you for proving me right Jim is gone - quoting some external union propoganda is hardly an 'insiders knowledge'
You have no idea and have proven my point. Actual ALP members support Jim all the way, stop embarassing yourself.

Beaches Gal said...

Sorry to all those pro-Jim people above, but I've not seen one initiative Jim's taken, or local cause he's supported, in his months as local member. He was happy to stand back as, for example, the one alcohol detox in Cairns between bere & the Gold Coast (Adair House) was nearly dismembered. He was happy to stand back & do nothing when the $50,000 funding for the Cairns Youth Mentoring Programme was rescinded by the Rudd Govt., with no contact & no suggestion of other funding.
He at all times comes out with 'Rudd with give us this, give us that' - without truly representing the needs of the Far North.
But he is not alone in that - it seems our local Labor pollies are all imbued with Canberra- or Briso-speak, & I believe, as with a rank & file situation, they are all meant to vote in line with the Caucus.
This was patently obvious when none of our local Labor members - Turnour, Wettenoballs, Boyle, O'Brien & Pitt (senior) would put their hands up to help save the old Yacht Club. Senator McLucas too.
OK, we're 'over' the yacht club, but to me it was a wake-up call when NO sitting members within cooee of an historic building, would break ranks with their party line to represent the interests of their constituents.
It would have been interesting to see what Entsch would have done in the situation.
I no longer vote Labor or Liberal. I am sick of them all - Labor as it demands the one vote, Liberal as they all seem to be internally fighting.
It would indeed be wonderful if a sane Independent would run in FNQ. I am weary of voting for those I can no longer endorse. It is indeed a shame that the Greens no longer field 'proper' candidates with long-term policies - the Green alternative always gets trotted out a month before the elections, gets votes as a protest vote, which then goes to Labor, & on we go.
And when I'm suggesting sane Independents - would Wendy Richardson, Selwyn Johnston & Whatisname Sandercock please sit down. We're over you. And hands up?

Jim is gone said...

"the real alp " stuey IS AN ALP MEMBER YOU FOOL. HHAAA

"Actual ALP member"
And probably most of as you called them "propergandists"
I call them workers ,you should too tuite.

Coleus said...

Sad to see the the "local" senator resorting to using spies within her own party to keep tabs on all this unrest. Obviously been to long in Canberra.

Chris of Manunda said...

Unfortunately Jim T is a loser. He will lose this seat at the next election and it probably won't be his fault.
Rudd with his half wit policies on the invasion of asylum seekers. Massive fraud and overruns in the stimulus schools projects, The recycling of GST funds into a blackmail package for the states, the dipping into the so called sacred "future funds" The program of financial starvation that is restricting the defense forces from doing their job,Stupid support for "Wild Rivers" and "alcohol intervention" in the communities, the complete failure to regulate international shipping in territorial waters especially "The Reef", the increasing oversupply of money to so called indigenous welfare. The stupidity evidenced in Canberra in allowing big business actually buy and sell water in this country the creation of no go zones that turn honest fishermen into criminals. the list is endless I'm afraid and then we have state issues like the crazy idea of the premier to divided the state into two time zones,the hospital fiascoes in general and waiting lists in particular, water problems, roadwork indifference's Public housing stupidity and under supply, support for gambling and tobacco revenue, speed camera productivity as a measure of revenue raising.
The sheer weight of Labor failure in every aspect of peoples lives will crush governments at all levels.
The conservatives will win only because the social side of politic has lost its way.
I am surely embarrassed, like many others, that I voted for Jim T...never again.
Chris of Manunda

Labor Booth Worker said...

For those who are pissed off with Jim's poor representation and want his guts for garters it's great to see the debate raging on this blog site.

True believers know full well that Jim is an embarrassment to the Labor movement and once you loose your identity you have lost your soul, what is left is worthless.

If Jim was a true believer and cared for his dignity, he would put pen to paper and defend his honour. But no, Jim prefers to remain mute and a small target while all around him burns.

As someone that has a proud history of handing out Labor how to vote card ever since I was a kid it distresses me that Jim is not the man I supported and voted for in the last election. I will this time work for the Labor candidate for Kennedy.

Rental properties for fun and profit said...


If McLucas sat on the fence any harder over asset sales, she will be pulling splinters out of her backside for the rest of the year.

Cairns Resident said...

I was actively involved last federal election alongside hundreds of yraw volunteers. That campaign delivered for jim. The federal alp has failed those volunteers on so many levels but entsch does not deserve any more time in politics. I will sit this one out and enjoy the show from the sidelines

Agate said...

Have been away for a couple of weeks, just read the B/S about Jim being in trouble with Leichhardt, the ALP and Rudd.
All written by the LNP rabble.
Some unionist have been upsett with Jim but he is in Canberra to represent all within Leichhardt.
Warren is a wassa, enaugh said.
Jim will be odds on come the election

Bryan Law said...

Hey "Agate" baby, I'm not LNP rabble, and I'll take your bet. Of course you'll have to lodge the money in advance - we can get Mike Moore to hold it for us until the outcome.

How about $400?

You'll need to think about all the forces who backed Jim last time, but won't be this time.

Plus the disaffected Labor people who've actually turned against Rudd and Bligh for being lying scummy politicians more concerned with spin than substance.

And finally the dismal quality of lickspittle lackey left stuck to Labor - and the voters they'll turn OFF on election day.

Come on sport - put your money where your (anonymous) mouth is.

Jim is gone said...

AGATE I made a mistake you are a left wing labor party grub, That acts like a right wing labor grub , sorry grub,

Michael Hyams said...

I think I told everyone at the first Friends of 4CCR (Cairns Community Radio) meeting that I had approached our local member, Mr.Turnour, hoping that I could in some small measure help in getting him at least to be seen to be doing
something to help a Constituent, over the ever present battle for
justice in Koch St.

This was about three to four months ago, probably around the time that Di Forsyth had her confrontation with the meeting room door at Raintrees. Since then, as his office is just across the road, and I pass it each day after getting The Australian in Shields St. Well, patience exhausted, I visited his office` again yesterday to ask, not why he hadnt done anything, but why he or a member of his Government funded staff could not find the inclination, time or initiative to, at least, phone me, or make some kind of attempt to make contact with me between Jan and May.

The lady in the office was polite and concerned, and I was at pains to say that I was not holding her personally responsible.

Incidentally, every time I have presented there, a different person has dealt with me. No I know that Turnour doesn't have a direct line to Steve Conroy, who is frying bigger fish such as the Broadband network (Heaven help our pockets there), and that even his so called "research assistants" are probably overworked
(not underpaid you can be sure) but heaven help us, is this the best
they can do IN AN ELECTION YEAR. The young lady in the office tool
the trouble to show me the note she had made in her day book, but as I
gave her the very clear impression that pigs might fly before I voted
for him, I doubt that I will hear further from the posh office across
the road. Why would they spend time and money on a lost cause (my
vote) I might have been slightly less put out if I had a least
received some kind of computer generated..... All our customers are important and we are grateful for your having brought this matter to our attention...... sort of response, but,no.I shall at least have achieved something constructive if this message dissuades a few people
from voting for him.

And the Brits think they have problems with their elected representatives.

I have many times been accused of having an inflated impression of my own importance, probably with justification, but really, such blatant disregard to an elector leaves me breathless.

Insider in jims office said...

How dare you critisise jim he has done stuff all since he was elected .
So how can he be critised for anything , wake up to yourself
michael hhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I told you he was a goose .