Saturday, 10 April 2010

Donkey Sex, Kiwi style

Both SBS and NZ Herald reports about a donkey and a young lad across the ditch. I add David Farrar's observations from KiwiBlog:

  • A 16-year-old youth has appeared in court charged with bestiality after allegedly having sex with a donkey in Sumner yesterday.

I look forward to reading the victim impact statement.

  • Police arrested the youth after a member of public phoned them after seeing what was happening from their house above the Sumnervale Reserve about 2pm.

Bad enough to bugger donkeys, but even worse to do it in public where you can be seen.

  • The youth had allegedly taken the four-year-old donkey into the middle of the reserve, which is about the size of a football field.

I love how they have the age of the donkey known. Is it more of a crime if the donkey is a minor?

  • The member of public lived in a house above the field and took photos while phoning police.

Now, how's the more kinkier of the two? Placing them on Facebook would have a deterrent effect

  • Other young people were at the reserve at the time, but appeared not to have seen what happened, police said.

Goodness. They must have been pre-occupied, or maybe the donkey didn’t make much noise?

  • Police said the youth could offer no explanation for his actions.

Possible explanations:
1. I was bored
2. The donkey flirted with me
3. I thought the donkey was a small horse
4. I thought the donkey was a sheep
5. The donkey was naked
6. I got sick of goats
7. Hey I’m a 16 year old boy, I’ll do it with anything that moves, or doesn’t move
8. I'm a friend of Councillor Alan Blake


Cairns resident said...

well i guess the offspring will raise the average IQ of NZ

Corry Joseph said...

And let the NZ shagging jokes commence...