Monday, 24 December 2007

Sweet FA parking at Smithfield

An eagle-eyed CairnsBlog reader just sent these photos in, after returning from Smithy this morning.

Personally, I avoid shops like the plague around this time of year. About as much fun as a Chamber of Commerce luncheon with Mayor Byrne as guest speaker and in a silly dress.

Following a great deal of discussion on here recently about inadequate parking at Cairns Central Shopping Centre, where Council workers and the like use it willy nilly, we learn this problem is a pattern created by poor planning from our friends at Cairns City Council. They have not helped manage this situation at all.

We see similar parking problems when the Mayor signs off on new multi-story high density apartment blocks all over the region. This is his favourite pastime: seeing these monstrosities go up in almost every suburb.

With GlenCorp's new 320 apartment block on the site of the old caravan and camping site in Woree coming on line soon, it is hard to believe there will be spaces on site for 600 car parks.

By the way, I just typed in and got: "This Account Has Been Suspended. Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible. From: Looks like someone didn't pay their bill or sell enough shoe boxes.

Infrastructure planning is something you expect of a good local government. As this is the first Christmas season after the expansion of Smithfield Shopping Centre, which added a large number of new shops to the Centre, but no new parking. This is on top of the growth of the Northern Beaches.

Our Council just recently authorised Smithfield to build five movie theaters, also with no new parking requirements.

See these photographs, although it has been this way all weekend - cars parked along the Cook Highway. Vehicles pulling in and out of the road directly from these illegal car parks, putting approaching traffic in jeopardy, and all without new movie theatres.

What will it be like next year with a larger population and five movie theatres and no more parking?
Council always tells the community "these buildings are complying with the building code", however it is obviously grossly inadequate.

Haven't we learned anything from the mess Brisbane has been turned into by "small thinkers"?

Thanks Cairns City Council - for no leadership or planing for the future.


Anonymous said...

Oh golly gosh ...
One day in 365 that I can't find a park at Smithfield.
Always plenty of parking spaces on the other 364.
Maybe I'll plan my Xmas shopping instead of leaving it all to the last day.
And if others did the same ... no problem.
But then we gotta blame KB and his Council for every little inconvenience in this life, don't we.
Winge whine winge ...

Anonymous said...

No, Factman.. you appear not to have read the article..

The building and stores were extended. Parking stayed the same.
Movie theatres approived. Parking stayed the same.
the Mayor's right wing Nazis can't understand planning required. They stay the same.
paeking is apauling around this town.

Anonymous said...

I found parking at Smithfield OK last Saturday and Sunday.
So, there was a bit of a problem on Xmas Eve, oh golly gosh.
Bit like a flash flood really, you can design the biggest pipe that may only flow to its capacity once in a hundred years. But who pays the cost of installing it?
Put up with a bit of inconvenience if you choose to leave your Xmas shopping until the last day !!

Anonymous said...

To factman, the bitter, rude and aggressive way that you post remarks on this blog is typical of a Byrne, and a Byrne supporter. No wonder many thousands can't wait to vote him out.

Anonymous said...

To Factman,
Gee Gary, I hope you're not able to claim overtime while defending Council's lack of foresight. There is very rarely a problem with any of Council's fine staff there is however great disparagement when it comes to senior management, Councillors and Mayor. But please continue with what is know throughout the community you'll hang yourself soon enough.