Friday, 28 October 2011

Mayor supports complaint to ACMA over Gavin King's regular appearances on Radio 4CA

A complaint has been made to ACMA over Liberal National Party's Cairns candidate, Gavin King, about his regular appearances on John Mackenzie's Radio 4CA programme.

"This should be publicised," Cairns Regional Mayor Val Schier told CairnsBlog. "I see daily transcripts about both King and Mackenzie who both lie and mislead in relation to me and allow listeners to denigrate."

The complaint asks that the ACMA, Australian's communications watchdog, should take a ''serious interest'' in Radio 4CA in supporting the declared Liberal candidate for Cairns in the upcoming Queensland State election.

Gavin King, a regular commentator on John Mackenzie's morning show when he was a journalist at the Cairns Post, still appears on 4CA every week, sometimes more than once a week, after being selected at the LNP candidate.

The complaint has been made directly to the ACMA, instead of a notice to the broadcaster in the first instance, as King's appearances are deemed "political advertising or election material," and potentially breach a licence condition.

It's well-known that John Mackenzie gives little or no time to any other political candidate or sitting politician, especially to those from other parties. Mayor Schier has not been on Mackenzie's shows for some time, preferring to use 4CA's earlier timeslot with Mike "Loco" O'Loughlan and ABC Far North.

A senior local industry radio professional, who wished to remain anonymous, told CairnsBlog that it is shocking that 4CA management have not intervened previously.

"I'm amazed that they let Mackenzie carry on like this, they must be aware that it's not appropriate," the source said.

As the declared LNP political candidate, King was again yesterday bagging Mayor Schier for all manner on things, with no political authorisation mentioned. Gavin King was endorsed as the Cairns LNP candidate on October 2nd and has since made numerous appearances on Mackenzie's radio programme.

Just last week in response to a question when he became a "supporter" or "a member of the LNP", King, who has been a senior journalist with the Cairns Post for a number of years, said it's always been his leanings.

"[I] have been highlighting dismal Labor failures for years so it was time to walk the walk," King wrote online.

"It's my understanding that Mackenzie's show is open to any and all guests," King told CairnsBlog today. "I know for a fact certain Labor politicians have refused to appear for talkback because they don't enjoy the response they get from many listeners and callers."

However this doesn't negate the way balance is purportioned to political candidates on air. ACMA are very clear about this. It's quite a different kettle of fish now that Gavin King is a political candidate and not a "commentator" from the Cairns Post.

An outspoken opponent of King who supported Charlie McKillop's LNP campaign, economic commentator Mark Beath, questioned Gavin King whilst he was with the Cairns Post over a a column he wrote about a dinner with Alan Jones without revealing whether he paid. Beath says it was an LNP fundraiser.

Now as the endorsed candidate, nothing appears to have changed and Mackenzie still has King on for hour-long slots. He appears to give no other candidate or party equal airtime.

King and the LNP have received much criticism after newspaper columns including his views about women that encourage being raped if they drink... a victim-blaming approach. Party Leader has failed to distance himself to the polarising views that women group find abhorrent. King now states that "the first two sentences were badly worded," but stands by safety message of the whole column."

Val Schier has decided to go on Mike 'Locco' O'Loughlin's show on the same radio station, along with ABC Far North's morning programme, after repeatedly finding Mackenzie hostile and uncooperative towards her. It's also known that Mackenzie's racist attitude towards Aboriginals have irked Val Schier.

Schier's appearance on Mackenzie's show was the center of a $17,000 investigation dubbed 'cash for comments' in 2009 which led to the dismissal of senior Cairns Regional Council communications manager Kerie Hull, who is now directing Gavin King's media campaign. Council CEO Noel Briggs also resigned over the affair. The ACMA ruled that Radio 4CA were in breach of their licence for not disclosing the arrangement.


Terry Vance said...

Most people I know don't listen to Mackenzie's program any more. As one lady told me, "I can't bear to hear his hate talk. He doesn't talk about anything else but those people he hates. It's alright to chuck off at people like politicians from time to time, but he's obsessive and I think he's going insane with it. He doesn't sound like a sane, rational person any more."

Ross Parisi said...

ACMA...the toothless tiger...that is tantamount to a sweep under the carpet until the heat dispates!!

God said...

I must have missed it. When were the elections called?

Michael P Moore said...

The election/s haven't been called. Regardless, broadcasters have to operate against standard rules over disclosure and political airtime.

God said...

This whole article is dishonest. Who made the complaint?

Val Schier is a lying manipulative second-rater, but gavin King is not allowed to say so.

You should just admit that Cairns Blog will be voting Labor (because they've thrown a crumb to gays?)

Michael P Moore said...

Thanks.. I knew that "God" knew everything! "CairnsBlog" won't be voting Labor, or for any party!.... (I don't vote).

Glad you think the "whole article is dishonest." Who made the complaint?... I understand two members of the public... who forwarded me a copy. So what? This is about 4CA abiding by the rules of broadcasting.

God said...

It's gutter journalism. You hide the identities of those complaining. The content of the complaint is pure piffle.

Surely a bigger story would have been about the way Mayor Val Schier (having once been caught PAYING for interview space on McKenzie's show) now spends ratepayers money monitoring what her critics are saying on the show.

Instead you portray Val's behaviour as if it legitimises this piece of dirt-throwing.

Come on Mike, grow at least a little resistance to flattery. Val doesn't really like you.

KitchenSlut said...

Oh dear God? Dirt throwing you reckon? It's Gavin who has now employed Hull who was behind the Pay-For-Comment you have referred to! Everyone in town with half a brain knows who it was leaking to King and the Post at the time! Even those Liberal's who have maintained some integrity know and acknowledge at least that!

Hiding behind identities ya reckon? Well KS is at least one of the identities referred to in the post above ......and more to come on a few issues!

Michael P Moore said...

Thanks for pointing out the irony Mark, opps I mean KitchenSlut !

''God'' writes to CairnsBlog and says I should revel the complainant!

Too funny for words!

Wonder if s/he really is God!?

God said...

Hold fast Mark. I'm sending energy your way to help with that alcohol problem, and my son is working on a balm for your bitterness. As I was telling Judas just the other day, "sometimes the world needs embittered old men to betray the principles they once stood for". Just not right now old cobber.

bogan B said...

Aaaay, and I thought she was Blakey's

Oliver on air said...

not even ACMA is sure of the rules these days! were does that leave broadcasters, and do you include 4CCR cairns community radio as 'broadcasters'?

David via Twitter said...

As a political observer and follow the operation of the ACMA: let's hear/read of what is being said.

Broadcasters generally, should know what's required of them under the Broadcasting Act.


CairnsALP said...

LNP's Gavin King in middle of ACMA complaint. Even party bosses are tiring of his controversies.


Mareeba Watchdog said...

Long live the "king" hahahahahahah I bet Freebody has a smile on his face

God said...

Come on Mike. It's OK for you, but I see the images in Cairns ALP's head as he masturbates to kiddie mutilation porn and, frankly, it's a bit disturbing.

"Free will" has always been a problematic in my creation, and sometimes I've resorted to cataclysm just to tone down the bullshit. Cairns ALP is making me entertain thoughts of global burning.

p.s. why don't you publish the complaint so that even the mortals get a chance to look at it?

CBD Tarzan said...

Great thats all we need a dillusional narsistic sociopathic 'God'. How's it going over at King for MP "God"?
That last comment was disgusting you need to go back to your shrink 'God'.

God said...

And it shall come to pass that King MLA shall rise to exalted heights, and he shall bring forth the community engagement that my people hunger for.

Lo shall his campaign and subsequent election be as the quiet cool air beside the flowing waters. the birds, animals, and people will know harmony again, and shall feel my blessings on their brow.

The repulsive Wild Rivers legislation shall be no more. The Labor liars shall have red hot pokers through their tongues.

CBD Tarzan will be forced to endure his own company - a fate worse than all the torments of Hell.

D.J.HUNT said...

What a surprise to see where a germ who thinks child pornography is a joking matter directs his allegiance.

God said...

Nice suit D.J.

I wasn't making jokes. You don't have to see the filthy images in cairnsALP's head. Or the way he slows down when passing Edge Hill state school on his way to work, and thinks about whether he should go one step further...

KitchenSlut said...

Dear God,

I am, as always humble in the presence of any God, however, pleae can you not send me energy but rather a couple of cases of Grange Hermitage?

Meanwhile, can you please send your political representatives on earth a bucket of guts and request that they repeal the Wine Equalisation Tax which allows cask wine to be sold to disadvantaged communities at below the economic cost of the water that actually produces the wine.

I can tolerate your polemics and concern for my own liver as a benevolent God, but not the godless contempt you otherwise display!

God said...

Mark, you are forgiven, even though you have not yet repented in your heart.

On a higher level, water IS wine, and after purifying your soul the key to this miracle will be yours.

You speak of contempt, but as a Father who loves his children, I have to allow them their mistakes and messes, hoping always that they will learn.

A period of sobriety will much improve you.

KitchenSlut said...

Water is wine God. I enjoy my water with a squeeze of lime and an ice cube. However, wine is not water God. I rather like the cortese from the Victorian high counntry. However, that is a dilemma!

God, I am not sure that I should have repented for anything as in my heart, I feel no remorse or regret! Must I share eternal hell for this, or will the devil rather welcome me with a hell of a party?

I feel increasingly that you are a sanctimonious shit who deserved to have his son nailed to a fucking cross just like drunk chicks deserve to be raped?

Is this wrong God and will a tete-a tete with a priest in a confessional be of any help?

I have attempted sobriety God, but then I feel like putting a fork into the eye of any woman who iritates, which is a sentiment previously expressed by Your candidate here in Cairns, so I have presumed this is just OK and normal God?

P.S If you are out of stock just make some water into the 1990 Grange I don't want any crap vintage!

God said...

Mark Beath, see you in Church tomorrow. Sober up.