Saturday, 29 October 2011

Darren Hunt tweets and takes swipe at Gavin King

A number of people walked the Red Arrow track last evening as part of Reclaim the Night, that Karen Struthers Minister for Women encouraged was important that all politicians took part in.

"We all have a right to be safe in public spaces," Cairns Regional Council mayor Val Schier said about the event.

1 comment:

God said...

Boring lies from boring liars. Karen Struthers (as Minister for Women's Affairs) WAS going to decriminalise abortion, until Anna Bligh (first woman Premier) said she wasn't allowed to. Mayor Val Schier, as a card-carrying Labor woman, also sold out her sisters on that issue.

Now this collection of hard-faced bitches just lie and lie and lie because the hold the voting public in such contempt they expect the lies will work.

Come on Mike. Remember I see into all your souls. Val might use you, but she doesn't really like you. As soon as she can't use your help any more, she'll be back to treating you like a turd.