Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Kevin Byrne's team reunites for 2012 Council election as ''non-political''

Who remembers Claytons? The drink you're having when you're not having a drink.

Meet the Unity Party. Remember them? It's former Cairns mayor Kevin Byrne's baby. It's resurfacing, as a non-political party.

They want to put the 'unity' back into community. Where's my bucket? Kev's mob spent over ten years up to 2008 doing just the opposite. Isn't that why every one of them were ditched from the old Council?

Kevin's wing man, and former deputy mayor Terry James, is tucked in behind this advert, that appears in the Cairns Post a week or two ago. The fax and the address is Terry's business, JB Design.

Terry run against Robert Pyne in 2008 and was defeated magnificently. It's likely he will run in Division 4 that is being vacated by Kirsten Lesina as she runs for the State seat. Surely she should have completed at least one term as a local councillor first?

However there's a stand-off to see if KB will run again as mayor next March, now that Margaret Cochrane has said she will be seeking the top job, and therefore forfeiting the division 8 spot. Kev's reputedly on a nice package with his PNG contract, so what would entice him back here? He's made mention to a few people, including other mayoral hopeful, Ian Thomas, that he will probably run.

Here's a capture from their now defunct 2008 election website.

With this desperate advert, and with already 35 other candidates who have expressed a desire to contest, this will be a dog's breakfast of a local election.

It's likely that Linda Cooper, who distanced herself from the Unity mob minutes after the fall of Kevin in March 2008, will stand on her on two white feet. She was the only one elected from the Unity ticket, after Blake and Cochrane distanced themselves from Byrne some time ago.

Email Unity or telephone Terry on 4044 0500 if you're keen, or just want to frighten the children.


VickieF said...

Nick nack paddywhack Give the dog a bone and he won't let go even when his teeth aren't his own.
Cairns and us poor buggers who live in the depths of the southern "suburbs" still bear the scars from the last time KB tried to make us his meal ticket. Kev, we're off your menu!

VickieF said...
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