Wednesday, 19 October 2011

9-year-old pleads to Warren Entsch to fix Ellis Beach crossing

Anyone who has driven north of Palm Cove to Port Douglas, will know the popular beach and cafe at Ellis Beach. Now it's taken a 9-year-old to wake up the dead at the wheel local Councillor, Sno Bonneau along with Federal MP Warren Entsch.

Sophie Alcorn, who is a nipper with the Ellis Beach Surf Club, wrote to local politicians. Here's what she had to say when she asked for a safer crossing at the popular Ellis Beach road crossing on the Captain Cook Highway...

  • Dear Sir, My name is Sophie Alcorn and I am nine years old.

    I would like to inform you about the lack of safe road crossings at Ellis Beach Surf Club/ shops. Yesterday my friend and I tried to cross the road near Ellis Beach shops. We stopped in the middle of the road then we tried to cross the next lane.

    My friend was accidently hit by a car. She bumped the bonnet and bounced off. She hurt her two knees and got gravel rash on one leg. She had to go to hospital in an ambulance to make sure everything was ok.

    We all felt sad that my friend was hurt and knew that we were very lucky. I think that it is important to have a zebra crossing or pedestrian lights to make it safer for everyone to cross the road. Can you please help me fix the problem? Each Sunday there are lots of children at the beach for nippers.

    I don't want any of them to be hurt or have any of their friends hurt if it happens again.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Sophie Alcorn
In a parliamentary speech, Warren Entsch read the letter from Sophie.

Newsport Daily, who broke the story yesterday, said that Division 9 Cairns Regional councillor, Sno Bonneu has backed the move, but there has been no response to date from Minister for Roads, Craig Wallace.


portmultimedia said...

Easy Fix - The lolly-pop schools program just needs to be extended to the SLC Nippers program. If Nippers is held on Saturday at 830 - 11am the State program pays for a lolly-pop to attend. No Lights, No expensive redesign, and a responsible trained traffic guard to look after our kids.
This is all that is required to fix this problem.

spangled lady said...

I acknowledge that this is a very busy road and that safety measures are necessary to protect pedestrians but I have stayed in the cabins opposite and my impression was that the style of crossing used was very well thought out. When you realise that you cross one lane to the fenced median and are then forced to turn and face the oncoming traffic before completing the crossing of the road it is simple-the zigzag fencing is a beautiful solution. IMHO a pedestrian crossing would be a hazard -look at the stats -it is no guarantee that you will be safer. Good on the child for raising this but surely a quick phone call to the Traffic engineers at CRC would have sufficed, Warren -hardly a matter for Fed Govt grandstanding.

spangled lady said...

Think it thru, P/media -if you have a lollypop person surely that requires a 40k speed limit and signs such as schools have -what would the sign say? "Crossing working Saturday mornings 8.30am -11am"? I am sure you would find that legislation would be required to make this change -plus road markings -and police to monitor speeding etc -sounds like a lot of bother for a something that seems to work well.
My theory is that Warren wanted to do two things -show support for Sno and show us locals that he (Warren) is "there for us" as promised in his last retirement speech (I read that on Hillbilly blog!)

Bryan Law said...

Craig Wallace responded by saying "We will never have an early election! Anna Bligh asked for a full term, and will not insult the people of Queensland by going early for mere political expedience. Trust us. ps we already have too many children in this state. We can afford to lose a few"."

spangled lady said...

You are quite disgusting Bryan Law -was the remark about children supposed to be funny? What a hypocritical so-called Christian you are. This is not satire it is just the ravings of an unsound mind- "we can afford to lose a few" has to be the worst statement you have ever put on this Blog -don't pretend you were trying to be ironic -it just doesn't work.

Michael P Moore said...

It appears that Bryan is quoting Craig Wallace.

spangled lady said...

Mike do you really think that a State Politician would say such things? I stand by my comments.

KitchenSlut said...

""we can afford to lose a few" has to be the worst statement you have ever put on this Blog -don't pretend you were trying to be ironic -it just doesn't work. "

From my perspective I don't think it's as bad as accusing me of having "an inner paedophilia". I wonder what Gavin King thinks on accusations like that? Does Bryan Law deserve rape perhaps? I think so at least in a metaphorical context?

I also agree with the comments above from portmultimedia that the Ellis Beach crossing is quite reasonable for all normal use and if there is a problem at peak times then those groups should attend to it. Once upon a time this was the sort of personal responsibility the LNP prommoted?

I also agree with spangled lady that with so many Federal issues is tis really a priority for Warren Entsch?

P.S. Who the fuck is Craig Wallace?

Bryan Law said...

Drunk again KS? A bit early don't you think?

Bryan Law said...

Gee golly goobers Batman, anonymous hacks think I'm "disgusting". I guess I'll just have to end it all.

Hee Hee Hee

Michael P Moore said...

Craig Wallace was elected to the seat of Thuringowa in 2004, and appointed Minister for Main Roads in 2009

Alison Alloway said...

Bryan, you are very quick at insulting people in this blog. Ever think you are the reason why so many people now avoid posting comments? You are not doing Mike Moore any favours venting your quite considerable spleen at everyone you hate. I have found your comments about KS particularly offensive.

KitchenSlut said...

Thanks Alison for your support while I can fundamentaly disagree with your ideological position I appreciate always being able to engage!

Bryan, I actually know that I have an alcohol problem but how is this relevant to your own accusations of paedophilia?

KitchenSlut said...

Ummm, so even drunk what the fuck is the relevance of Craig Wallace?

Ross at Palm Cove said...

An overhead pedestrian bridge is the way to go, given the heavy motor traffic.

Bryan Law said...

Alison, you is so funny. If you like insults, wait until the lying thieving Anna Blight calls an early election, and you can enjoy a full measure of derision.

After all, she was the one who went early last time because she "needed a full term to respond to this economic crisis". So when she plays bullshit politics again, I reckon she'll lose another 3% of the vote, which would put them on about 23% all up (one of which will be you).

Why don't you cease your servile fawning, and try to get some justice and accountability back into your tribe?

Alison Alloway said...

Why don't you show some consideration to Mike Moore and his blog Bryan Law? I pointed out to you that the number of people who post comments has dropped considerably on this blog largely because of your insults and attacks on almost every single person who posts here. Show some polite restraint and stop monopolising the comments section so the blog can attract people back again.

KitchenSlut said...

"try to get some justice and accountability back into your tribe?"

I agree but ..... what's different between that and the LNP as being more frequently evident by the day.

Recent changes of Guvmint in NSW and Victoria were not accompanied but such obvious evidence of dysfunction with internal group morality as displayed by the LNP? There is no imminent cultural change evident!

But I could be wrong, I'll open another bottle of Grange and think about it ......

Colin you know who said...

Biting the hand that feeds you killed this blog ,not Brian Law

Leigh Dall'Osto said...

Could the Nipper program perhaps have a dedicated adult who's sole job is to walk with children as they cross that road? There is no way I would let a child cross that road without an adult. It seems like a logical solution to me. A crossing would be more dangerous as cars often ignore them. A set of lights would not be workable and employing a person via the State seems a tad extreme. If the SLSC want to use the beach for children (which they have for a very long time) then it is their responsibility to ensure those children are as safe as possible.