Monday, 24 October 2011

Councillor Pyne didn't ''walk out''

I hate to be pedantic, but Cairns Regional Councillor Rob Pyne didn't walk out of last week's meeting in protest of Cochrane's motion.



Eric Vaughn Holowacz said...

a motion to turn no earth, until the political wheel of fortune has turned...

Eric Vaughn Holowacz said...

does he have a second lined up? Enough numbers to ward off the old favourite: motion to postpone indefinitely? Very important in ye olde Robert's Rules of Order. Speaking of parliamentary procedure, are there a lot of motions (particularly privileged motions) being introduced at Council meetings? In other news, at every local body meeting I've ever been to, the proceedings are recorded on video or broadcast to a local cable channel (or in more recent cases, to the Internet). Does anything like this happen as a public service in Cairns? Who is recording the sausage making for posterity?