Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Eleventh anti-war activist arrested

Another anti-war activist was arrested at Shoalwater Bay, as he was addressing Australian and US troops from the mountain top.

Mark Palmer was captured late yesterday afternoon after addressing members of the US military and the Australian military from the top of the Polygon Mountain inside the Shoalwater Military Base.

"No more Australian blood for Uncle Sam," he chanted. "End the US alliance and stop the killing now."

Mark Palmer's arrest follows Cairns activist Bryan Law on Saturday for trespass in the massive military exercise near Rockhampton.

Palmer called for a withdrawal from Afghanistan, and a no more killing of Iraqs. He spent some time as US and Australian soldiers climbed the 150 metres to escort him out of the area.

"I spent a few hours conversing with regular and reservists at the checkpoint before being arrested by Queensland Police for trespass," Palmer said.

"I told the police that I had justification under international law - particularly in respect to Australian involvement in illegal war," he said. "Kaufi Annan had labelled Iraq an illegal invasion and illegal war."

Mark quoted Malalai Joya, an Afghani women's activist and parliamentarian, who is calling for the Australian parliament to immediately withdraw troops from this war because their involvement in Afghanistan simply services US strategic and military interests and does not serve to enhance the safety of the Afghani people.

The army exercises at Shoalwater wind up after three weeks of activity this week.

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