Monday, 18 January 2010

Community radio meeting, open to the entire community - this Wednesday night

On behalf of the committee of the Cairns Community Broadcasting Incorporated, the membership, Cairns Regional Councillors Linda Cooper and Di Forsyth, Federal Member Jim Turnour, Warren Entsch, potential members, and a long, long list of concerned citizens, and president Rod Coutts, I cordially invite you along to a meeting this Wednesday evening, at 7pm.

The venue is the food court area, Raintrees Shopping centre, Alfred Street, Manunda.

Come one, come all. See what all the fuss is about.

Wanna join?
I also strongly encourage members of the public to join this community organisation, and are are desperate for new members. They have rejection meetings most Wednesdays between 6pm and 8pm.

Just download a Membership From, exclusively from CairnsBlog as these were removed from their own website last week, as part of their unique marketing programme.

Please note that the CairnsBlog form is identical, however you may have to print it out onto the regulation light blue paper (you had to be there).


Col Johnson said...

Michael,  Whilst the notice on your blog states clearly that the meeting is for members only, I as a member have no objection to non-members attending.  They must however observe protocol.  

As non members they have to show proof of identity before being admitted, they do not have the right to speak or vote and if any of them attempt to break up the meeting it is only reasonable that they be ejected.  

We members have the right to determine the future of the organisation without outside interference.  Any hint of trouble and I will move a motion that the meeting be suspended.  

I have issues I want to see resolved but mayhem and mob rule is not the solution in my books.

Michael P Moore said...

That's laughable Mr Johnson

whilst you've been on holiday, your president and vice squad president have been running "your" radio station by "mayhem and mob rule" !!!!!!!!!

Col Johnson said...

Michael, do 2 wrongs make a right?

Col Johnson said...

I respond only to worthwhile material. The man (Harry Ellison) is clearly insane.

Shane Wilson said...

Let’s cut to the chase Col, surely you don’t support the way Coutts is running 4CCR, I don't recall hearing it sound this bad, and I have been involved for many years, like you.
If you and other members (before Coutts expels you) really care about the on-air product you will get rid of Coutts and side kick Bluaaw fast. The only mayhem at the meeting the other night was caused by Blauuw driven by Coutts.
It’s a shame to see the fast audio decline in there. 4CCR had a sound identical to that of the commercial FM stations as was my goal, now we have Satellite program even in Breakfast, unattended CD's playing for hours to air, transmitter carrier fails distorted microphones and program.
The old committee had about 5 local sponcers, the great advertising guru Coutts has now got none.
Less sponcers, less local program, less volunteers, and an engineering department in chaos! And all in about 3 months
And we have a possible cyclone coming. What about that $30K emergency studio generator sitting somewhere on ice, and changes to the unreliable Mt Yarrabah plant that never happened? More questions you members should be asking.
I recall an earlier piece suggesting things at 4CCR particularly engineering would be done better than I have done………well well well!

Col Johnson said...

I do not speak for any organisation or other person but if I was to invite 20 people to my house and 40 showed up I would want to know who they are.  

With me if they didn't show ID I would ask them to leave.  

These are my standards and nobody else's.  I would hate to have unknowns gatecrashing my home with a threat of major damage.  Just look at the front page on yesterdays Cairns Post.

Kate T said...

Col your comparison is stupid and odd.

The community radio station is a public entity and runs on public funding.

Comparing it to a private function at your home shows how naive and confused you are in all this debate.

The general meetings are a process for community monitoring and transparent regulation by the community.

Wake up mate and stop being so self obsessed.

Oliver Redlynch said...

It will be in no-ones benefit for the meeting tomorrow to descend into a riot or mob-rule, regardless of what-ever high moral ground either the committee or the public attendees subsequently take. Nothing frankly will be achieved if the meeting dissolves in chaos or is cancelled at the last minute on some pretence. I for one will be interested in hearing what "the committee" first have to say, and then the members/public can have their representation. So stop fueling a confrontation Michael, and Col - chill.

Neo said...

Umpire says

Why is nobody interested in the other radio stations in Cairns using "comunity funding"?

Disgusted - Tonbridge Wells said...

Coutts is acting as if divinely inspired, maybe he is the second coming, and we should all recognise this and bow down. Also go to Coles for your supplies of Gold, Frankinsence and Myhrr.

Also keep an eye on the eastern sky. The only other explanation for his fanatical behaviour is that he is re-incarnation of Adolph Schickelgruber, in which case keep a look out for signs of the building of Concentration Camps and Gas ovens.

KFC said...

Another issue altogether Neo. Perhaps you should explain your point more clearly. I do not know of any other community licensed station in Cairns other than 4CCR (Cairns Community Radio - get it?). The others are either commercial, ABC, aspirant- such as Smithfield High School's Coast FM or specialised- such as Bumma Bippera Radio. Umpire needs to do some more research I think.

Marcus Smith, presenter 89.1 FM said...

My comments I posted contained all the information you really need to know about certain racial discrimination, work place bulling allegations aganist your informers that has failed to be mention on the blog.

It also address alot of incorrect information that has been allowed to appear on the blog, very misleading to readers.

I would ask Don, Judi & Shane why there are no longer at the station, lol I hope they give you a straight answer!

I don't think it was 'lack of confidence' in Rod, considering what's going on the show still goes on here thanks to Rod & the crew.

Good luck, my goal now I'm back here in Cairns is to make this community station radio even better then ever before!No time for gossip, only facts work for me.

The wonderful volunteer presenters at the station are doing a great job! As a presenter, we now have more people then ever listening to the station!

Rod Coutts, president 89.1FM said...

The CBAA (Community Broadcasting Authority of Australia) have advised me to inform you that you have falsely reported on your website, dated January 18, 2010, that the meeting for tomorrow night (Wednesday 20 January) is open to the entire community.
This information on your website is incorrect as a brochure was sent, December 2009, to the members of this association, advising that a General meeting would be held, Wednesday January 20, only for the membership of this radio station.

Michael P Moore said...


Wednesday's meeting is a public meeting of a public organisation and you and your illegal committee are under serious scrutiny.

That's why I have advised the general community to be there. The media will also be there to record your secret club. You are as worse as what Arona were up to, and your public lie to the media that there were no records kept of that period, shows your malicious intent to mislead the public.

There will be a large number of concerned members of the public there and you will be doing yourself and the remains of the community radio station more damage by any action you attempt to take to block them.

Furthermore, we have a large number of Proxy, and will be legitimately exercising them.

You see Rod, you threw the word "democracy" around yesterday to Bryan Law, one of the several people that you rejected as a member, along with myself and a City Councillor.

The "democracy" available to the community will be exercised tomorrow evening and you and your illegal kangaroo court will be on trial. We will not let up until we return this station to the community. You were provided with the opportunity to undertake that task, but have proven yourself totally incapable. Your reign post September 28th 2009, when I first met you, has been a miserable failure. Not only as a person, but as a co-ordinator and a leader, you have failed everyone. You betrayed honest friendships and have entirely focused on alienating everyone that challenged you, instead of doing what the community desperately wanted at that time. Everything you said in that video I filmed of you at the AGM, was ignored. You are now being held to account for it.

It is the reason why I have dug deep into this story.

You have endorsed and condoned the violent behaviour towards Councillor Diane Forsyth from Pieter Blaauw, and his removal from your committee, should have happened instantly. Likewise, your activities in allowing that to occur right under your eyes, is such a grave concern. You allowed violence towards a woman and a upstanding elected member on the Cairns community.
- Hide quoted text -

Tomorrow morning, Cairns Regional Council will pass a formal motion to investigate your actions.

Finally, the ACMA have just announced one hour ago, that you personally, along with Pieter Blaauw are subject to a new investigation that was launched today, for rejecting 16 memberships, and the way you went about it. This includes your actions against Helen Jarroe and Shane Wilson.

I know it's been said several times over the last few months, but you should do the only honourable thing and resign at tomorrow's meeting, before more personal details of your activities are exposed to public question.

Finally, look out for the videos of you and Blaauw meeting with Bryan Law. That video, according to ACMA, will be the nail in your coffin.

I know it must feel terribly uncomfortable and lonely where you are these days, but you have worked so hard for the storm that is about to hit you. Remember your quote about the sailing ship analogy you recited to me?

Shane Wilson, former 4CCR tech said...

I reply Marcus Smith, and his utter diatribe.

It is clearly on record why I left 4CCR; I simply left after your wonderful Captain told me to “FO”.

I have better things to do than watch that mad man in action.
The claim made on this blog made by you “more could be done” with 4CCR engineering, well the 89.1 service wasn’t distorted and full of sibilance while I was there.

The ‘show’ still goes on you say…..satellite program, unattended CD’s , emergency program…..what show you bloody fool?

I would also point out that lists and photos exist of all the equipment in the Central Technical Area at 4CCR, one would hope all that gear is still there.

Gossip……you thrive on the crap!

If you and your master Coutts have evidence of wrong doings in the work place, make a report to the relevant authorities!

Wonderful presenters, what the like the day I heard the weather presented “we have a barometric pressure of 1012 kilometres per hour…………what a joke!

I wouldn’t get too excited about your sweepers and liners either……pretending to be a HOT-FM super Jock doesn’t quite work at 4CCR.

Can you inform the readership…
(a) Have you applied or been appointed to the 4CCR board?
(b) Are you currently being paid or are seeking to be paid as an indigenous presenter at 4CCR?

I would suggest that you like Coutts seek payment for what should be volunteer roles, should a payed indigenous presenter position be available at 4CCR it should be advertised and normal selection criteria be performed preferably by an outside body.

The best person can then be hired.

Marcus Smith, 89.1 FM indigenous presenter said...

I reply to Shane Wilson.

But what did you say in the first place to a presenter & Rod, would you treat the manager/presenter of a commercial station like that?

You were the Technician, not employed to swear at people.
Even with previous committees,I 'm sure you had to wait on things to be done.

Today someone asked me-
“I would imagine that the person who set up for you is the person who has administrative access to the Google Apps account that currently handles email for”

Please ask that person to explain why was removed? Webmaster is a Role account. If, for whatever esoteric reason I should be denied access to that email then the appropriate manner to deal with such would be to CHANGE THE PASSWORD and remove the 'forward recipe' (to me).'

Do you want to answer or what?

Are you saying that the volunteers presenters don't take a break over Christmas, New Year holidays.

Yes, a 'Assets Register' was made after you left, all but the 'equipment' you came and asked Rod for after 'walking out the door'

Gossip is why you could not do more for the station, you were too caught up in it! lol

(re: evidence of wrong doings in the work place, make a report to the relevant authorities!) Pretty sure thats been done.

Wow, wonder how the current presenters feel about you now and stating that.

'4CCR had a sound identical to that of the commercial FM stations as was my goal' -are these not your comments Shane? I love to challenge commercial radio stations!

There is a Management Committee not a Board, have no interest in being on it. Have no time when this station has years of catching up to do.

I have had paid position at community radio station before, no secret. I have encourge this station to employ a number of staff, and take on trainees to run the station, other community stations do it. Thats why I say years of work to catch up on. Several presenters have asked me to help them, so I do what I can.
Sorry, how did you get the job at the station in the first place????????????

Your 'club' messed up so deal with it.

Bryan Law said...

It's time to let go of who did what to whom in the dark distant (or even the fresh painful).

The task in front of us is to figure out ways that diverse people, with diverse interests, and diverse skills, can operate together and renew a community asset.

If there are years of work to do, then telling anyone to bugger off because they think differently to you is a fool's solution. Entrenching conflict via personal abuse is both unworthy and unwise.

Rod and Pieter clearly must resign their management roles for a couple of years, but there is room for them as members, volunteers, and presenters.

Cairns is piss poor at inclusive process, procedural fairness and genuine community mobilisation - but there are people who can help us learn.

please! Let's have a go at working together.

Shane Wilson, 4CCR Member and former technician said...

I reply finally to the comments of Marcus Smith, a few points need addressing given that history now is being changed to suit Coutts, every drama, all the lies, all the meeting changes, all the people refused entry to 4CCR, the technical sound, the membership unrest, the wasted money, violence toward women, aggression to old and new members, all……all have one name in common…. Coutts.

A new positive 4CCR is coming with the Friends of 4CCR. Let’s all look to the future and forget the backward, inward past with Rod Coutts.

I stand by everything said to Coutts re his treatment of Judi Corcoran and the lies told about the desk purchased by Greg Dwyer. Coutts is power hungry and totally incompetent in handling day to day affairs, particularly urgent engineering matters.

Coutts engineered a story suggesting Donn Corcoran wasn’t available to perform secretarial duties when he was locked out of the building.

When Donn Corcoran challenged Coutts he then called Police and Centre management, to have Donn removed. Coutts has never considered once how his personal power struggles are affecting the reputation of 4CCR.

No commercial radio station manager I have ever worked for conducts himself or herself in such an infantile nasty and petty way.

My original complaint to Coutts is on the record. The man then made up a story suggesting I had resigned, too gutless to admit what he had said.

Coutts then rang other people that I work for asking them to persuade me to return to 4CCR.

I resent the inference that I somehow deleted an email account, no accounts were deleted by me, only frozen by me after instruction the interim committee of which your beloved master Coutts was part.

Coutts was then given administrator rights to the complete computer system, so if accounts have gone missing look a little closer to home.

MARCUS SMITH: Yes, a 'Assets Register' was made after you left, all but the 'equipment' you came and asked Rod for after 'walking out the door'

What are you suggesting in that garbled line above? Let me guess I have stolen $300 and bought a desk out of station funds……maybe not Coutts has already done that one!

MARCUS SMITH: Gossip is why you could not do more for the station; you were too caught up in it! Lol

Unfortunate indeed to have met you and Coutts! The comment about how presenters feel about me is irreverent, I am just a small part of a new and vibrant team…… the new “friends of 4CCR” committee is a wealth of talent and experience that will reclaim and take 4CCR to a level an idiot like you could only dream about.

If you and Coutts have legal action against me pending……BRING IT ON!

My comment about 4CCR being equal to that of the commercial was an engineering comment, that is equal in technical sound and coverage to that of commercial stations….pretty simple to understand.

And it was until you lot have stuffed it!

Shane Wilson, 4CCR Member and former technician said...

Marcus Smith if you think you are challenging the commercial stations, believe me the only person you challenge is your own ego!

You still haven’t answered the question about you receiving payment? How much money are you being paid? And are you an Indigenous Australian? Surely a paid Indigenous position should go to a local indigenous Australian! Was the position advertised?

I was originally hired at 4CCR by the then station manager Grant Taffs, after I approached him with equipment I no longer wanted and was prepared to give to 4CCR.
I donated 2 consoles and various items old broadcast equipment… was old but better than what they had.

I then spent time with Grant Taffs and later Billy Lee-Long working out on a budget of ZERO how we could fix the place. Most of the equipment you have today is a result of those efforts. Some gear was also brought back from the refit of the then RG Capital station 4GR at Toowoomba……the price was basically nothing and we had some old but decent gear.
I recall Billy asking how many people would be needed to lift the old original Mt Yarrabah tube Kickert 1KW transmitter, when I replied probably 2, he suggested we throw it over the mountain……as a joke, that was the perilous state of the 4CCR engineering department.

The RG capital fit out and combining of the 104.3 service further strengthened the 4CCR position…..4CCR for the first time had emergency power at the transmitter site, had me and Greg Dwyer still been at 4CCR you would have emergency power at the studios as well.

It amazes me that a 10 minute blow in like you makes hollow comments on the history of 4CCR after being pumped up by Captain Rod Mainwaring……… next time you sit in that rather plush studio waffling on, just remember it was us who built that and the transmitters that allow the 4CCR service to be heard across Cairns and north to Cape Tribulation.

Tony Vann, community radio watcher said...

There has been discussion of how the "closeness to commercial sound" 4CCR almost achieved, and what the alternatives are.

In my history in managing radio, I have found that to find niche's or holes in the market - is the way forward.

Community Radio is not Try Hard Commercial Radio, the reasons are simple:

1. That the licence is issued for purpose of profit or gain by the licencee's shareholders, and

2. That it provides the community a voice in the decision making process behind the programming on the station, while also, as part of the whole media scope of all licenced services within the licence area, assists in meeting the diverse interests of that community.

Based on the programming guide, the station appears to heve gone quite the other way in both respects. Instead of emulating commercial radio, it appears it is emulating and to a large degree duplicating services of SBS, to take advantage of the grant money the ethnic programs can provide.

So who's fighting who ?

I would think that the comments from the former technician are as emotive as those in the present management team, and it makes me ask if - rather than a new group - that there be some sore of "joint committee" of the new people and the existing team as part of a "caretaker committee" until an AGM is held, otherwise it may just cause MORE havoc.

All paid positions are withdrawn from the date of the establishment of the caretaker committee, and many functions referred to sub-committees, includung members and interested members of the public.

Here's the solution - call SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING - with a date set for 4 months time. Accept who ever wishes to be a member as a member of the Association - no questions asked. (Appoint an independent membershop officer just for safety). 21 days before 4 months away, those who are members at that date get notified of the meeting and have a right to vote at the meeting.

All positions on the COM are open for nominaton.

After the meeting, you have a new committee, and whoever's on it has to work together, end of story.

Otherwise it may be no more 4CCR.

Tony Hillier said...

Tony Vann makes some valid points. Given the current impasse, appointing a new "caretaker committee" — ideally comprised of people who have no history with 4CCR 89.1 — to guide the station to an early AGM would seem a sensible interim solution. A fierce membership drive by the various factions would not be a bad thing. It would serve to generate community interest in the station and provide revenue.