Saturday, 18 February 2012

World's largest ocean liner, Queen Mary II, anchors off Yorkeys Knob

The Police and Cairns Regional Council have joined forces to close the popular boat ramp at Yorkeys Knob and the access road on Sunday, when the world's largest ocean liner anchors off shore.

The RMS Queen Mary II will anchor off Yorkeys Knob at 8am Sunday morning and up to 3,000 passengers and 1,200 crew will visit Cairns for the day.

The Yorkeys Knob boat ramp will be closed all day Sunday and the access road to the Yorkeys Boat Club on Buckley Street, will be restricted.

However the Queen Mary II will be visible from the Yorkeys Knob beach, and good vantage points along the Cairns Esplanade, Holloways Beach, Machans Beach and from beaches north of Trinity Beach.

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