Today at 12:51pm, there will be memorial services across New Zealand, one year on from the February earthquake in Christchurch that destroyed the historic city forever.

- 24 - seconds – how long the ground violently shook for on February 22nd 2011
- 837 - buildings have been demolished, so far
- 39 - ‘significant quakes’ GeoNet has recorded over a magnitude of 5.0 since September 4th 2010’s 7.1 quake
- 7000 - classified as being in suburban red zone, where the land is not economically viable to repair
- 9,490 - YouTube video results for ‘Christchurch earthquake’
- $2 billion - Christchurch City Council’s predicted cost to rebuild city infrastructure
- 2900 - Portaloos issued to residents at peak
- 4 - million tonnes of rubble carted away from commercial and residential areas
- 1200 - police officers from Christchurch and nationwide on duty 7 days following February quake
- 330 - assisting Australian police sworn in to NZ Police
- 185 - died as a result of the earthquake
- 11,310 - people uprooted two weeks after February quake
- 59% - of red zoned properties still occupied in October
- 300km - of sewer pipes and about 124km of water pipes are being fixed
- $30 billion - Reserve Bank’s estimated total cost of earthquake claims
- 200 - animals SPCA cared for in days directly after quake
- Significant quake events in Christchurch:- September 4, 2010, February 22, 2011, June 13, 2011, December 23, 2011
- 10,150 - quakes of varying magnitude since September 4, 2010
There are still quakes occurring most days, 17 months after the first one, in September 2010, one of the longest occurring of continual seismic activity recorded in an urban area. Four people missing in the quake, were never located.
Our thoughts and love are today with the people of Christchurch.... For always in our hearts xx
I was there, living, and working and studying, all gone in less than 30 seconds. It was the scariest and most traumatic day of my life. I saw things that day that will send chills down my spine for many years to come. I still get spooked by a truck rumbling past... and I was evacuated a week after the feb quake. The people who still live in chch and deal with it everyday are brave and so very strong. and to the 185 lives lost, you will never ever be forgotten KIA KAHA CHRISTCHURCH
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