Wednesday 22 February 2012

Labor ''violates kids' rights to a mum and dad" - Australian Family Association

A flyer being distributed in the electorate Ashgrove where LNP hopeful Campbell Newman is running. It attacks sitting Labor MP Kate Jones, who was believed to be behind the anti-Gavin King leaflet.

It was sent to letterboxes in the seat of Ashgrove by Christian lobby group the Australian Family Association, who will be sending out similar flyers in a number of seats, according to their website:

''Marriage law is all about the welfare of future biological children to that relationship, and that is why marriage requires lifelong commitment and exclusivity,'' the association says.

''The de facto spouse arrangements are enough recognition for genuine same-sex relationships providing equal access to services. Changing marriage law to include same-sex couples would eliminate the entire reason for marriage law in the first place; that is, the social regulation of procreative potential in favour of children.''

Both Campbell Newman and the LNP tweeted this morning they had nothing to do with the flyer after being accused of links to it on the social networking site.

AFA spokeswoman Tempe Harvey told AAP the association was not supported by the LNP.

‘‘We’ve only put out the one flyer,’’ she said. ‘‘We want civil union laws repealed which is the same policy as the LNP’s but we are not supported by them.’’


Wendy Davie said...

Nasty, nasty. Shows the true caliber of the NLP, whoops sorry, got that the wrong way around the Libs wouldn't forgive me. Still waiting for answers from them on all sorts of issues. They have none. Gavin King is remarkably quiet on all fronts, does he need the anonimty of a newspaper column to make statements from perhaps.

Nick Thompson, division 4 candidate said...

If you look at the demographics of Ashgrove the AFA just did Kate a favor by promoting what most families in Ashgrove agree with and what Kate has therfore reflected in Parliament.

Tony Laing said...

''Marriage law is all about the welfare of future biological children to that relationship, and that is why marriage requires lifelong commitment and exclusivity,'' the association says. How do these fuckwits write this stuff with a straight face? No-one's ever been adopted, had foster kids, had a blended family or had an affair in their world, hey?

Bryan Law said...

How completely outrageous. If one wants to completely fuck the ALP (and then piss on its corpse) one simply does not "number every box". One Leaves Labor OUT!".

Apart from that the AFA tick's every box for an issue advocacy leaflet in an election. I'm completely impressed by the crying child.

90% of white families in Ashgrove will have a think about Kate's record. Parents will have a very close think.

Labor already owns the "marriage equality" voters. It's not a new force, and it's not getting any more powerful (in this election contest).

Well done AFA. As an anti-Labor ally you're doing well. But remember - it's Leave Labor OUT!

Chris Oakshott said...

Why do politicians think they can win our votes by printing this sort of stuff and sinking to these levels? Probabaly because it does win votes...

Cameron Atkinson said...

I dislike this so much!

Murray Daniel said...

Good luck winning votes with that Can D'oh

nomooremike said...

"90% of white families in Ashgrove will have a think about Kate's record. Parents will have a very close think."

So non-white parents don't give a fuck then?

Just what you'd expect from someone who makes excuses for a would be MP, for claiming women who are drunk and raped are partly to blame, real Christian values on show there.

Bryan Law said...

I wouldn't presume to know or speak about the values of people from other cultures. i speak as a white man. How could i do other?

Kieran O'Callaghan said...

Australian politics, fear boat people and gays are killing marriage, i knew it!!

Michael P Moore said...

Remember Abbott's stance a few years ago... scared of gays and boat people. But he's terrified of gays on boats!

Jim Cavill, Greens candidate Mulgrave said...

Australian Family Association not linked LNP, what shower do they think we came down in ,,if looks like a similar policy me thinks it is

Kieran O'Callaghan said...

And maybe stopping the ferrycat up in Brisbane, maybe they should stop the ferry to Manly in Sydney, lots of gays there! :)

Shane Ariel said...

Who made this piece of shit? An LNP member? The party needs to be a little more careful with some of the retards working on the print. This does not reflect the majority...I hope.

Tyson Hayter said...

Lol that has nothing to do with the LNP, that org is aligned with Family First. Remember Wendy Francis? She's the director or something similar.

Shane Ariel said...

Ahh, it wasn't LNP then? Damn nutjobs. If they stick to normal politics they might even get a decent share of the vote. This is scaring people away from them most likely.

Wendy Davie said...

No you're confused Michael, the practice or removing children from families wholesale was discontinued during the 1960's. The Australian Family Association are discredited once again.

Janine Aitken said...

This is a reason TO VOTE FOR KATE. Would the conservatives just accept that gay people exist & are capable of raising children & Women have the right to work & even run 4 political office. Please stop trying to drag us back to the 1950's

Leigh Dall'Osto said...

What rot! And how are the children of gay couples going to feel when they see this? Seriously? As if there isn't enough prejudice out there......

nomooremike said...

@Bryan Law ... "i speak as a white man. How could i do other?"

So did Jesus only speak for Jews?

People like you are atheists' best friends.

Ness Rynja said...

I actually laughed out loud. The "kids needs a mum and dad" arguement shits on every single parent ever by saying that kids are only going to grow up stable if they have a mum and dad.

Bryan Law said...

Janine, are you hallucinating? For one, you'd have to live in Ashgrove to vote for Kate (lawfully). For another the leaflet doesn't mention employment. The woman in that family sure looks like a medical professional to me. Perhaps a union official.

As for gays and children, I reckon it'd be worth a discussion. The present nonsense about everyone being the same.....I thought Howard and Menzies took that view.

Eve Stafford said...

They say they are non-partisan but you can get your anti-carbon tax bumper stickers from them too, so maybe a front organisation.

Here's where to Contact them to let them know how you feel.

Brad C said...

Gays and children, worth a conversation....what does that mean Bryan?

Bryan Law said...

Homosexuality has been with children a long time. Homo Sapiens have been raising children for a long time. Alongside any biological imperatives that might exist, cultural choice is widely available.

I don't make pronouncements about what families "should be". Nor am I convinced that the homosexual emulation of conventional marriage is a wise step for anyone's liberation.

Maybe we'll get better outcomes in both liberation and child-raising with an honest, equal, and diverse set of social institutions able to encompass everyone just the way we are.

KitchenSlut said...

There is no reason whatsoever for the Federal marriage act to even exist or for Guvmint to have any role in defining private relationships. It is very sad that anybody needs Guvmint intervention to validate a relationship of any kind.

Janine Aitken said...

Bryan, did I say I was voting for Kate? No I said it was a reason to vote for her. I am well aware of how our voting system works, I also comment on Abbott, Wilkie, Campbell, Brown