Saturday, 21 May 2011

Kirsten Lesina Labor candidate for Cairns

In a razor-close vote at Labor's pre-selection meeting in Cairns today, first-term Cairns Regional Councillor Kirsten Lesina, was selected as the party's candidate in the seat of Cairns for the next Queensland State election.

However a majority of local members preferred the only other candidate on the ballot paper, railways union delegate, Richie Bates.

Bates won the local ballot 31 votes to Lesina's 27.

However, Labor's electoral college system, that allows for additional votes from factions and representatives not in the local area, tipped more votes to support Lesina from the party's right.

Reputedly there were five votes that would have also supported Lesina. These included a postal vote that didn't get done, and two who didn't attend the pre-selection meeting at Brother's League Club.

This again shows that the Labor Party is very much removed from the wishes of the local members.

Over the last year, Bates supported ousted party member, Electrical Trades Union organiser Stuey Traill, after nearly two years of campaigning against the Labor Party's sell off of assets that led to a series of membership terminations across the State. Such support would not have helped Bates in the Cairns selection with incumbent MP Desley Boyle determined to elect a successor from the party's right faction.

"None of this sorry affair is his fault," former Labor party member and Cairns Regional Councillor Robert Pyne told CairnsBlog this evening. "I would dearly love to see Richie run for council. He is a man of great integrity, passion and has commitment to his community."

24-year-old Kirsten Lesina pipped former Mulgrave councillor Ross Parisi as the youngest representative, when she was elected just weeks after completing her law degree at James Cook University in March 2008.

On Thursday, Cairns Regional Council paid for Councillor Lesina to fly to Brisbane for the day to receive the Healthy Queensland Awards on behalf of Cairns, where the Regional Council was awarded $50,000 in State funding, second only to Cassowary Coast Regional Council. However two Labor insiders believed that Lesina used the opportunity to meet with Labor hierarchy about the impended Cairns selection.

"This is an outright disgrace, if she has used ratepayer's money to meet with Labor party bosses in Brisbane when she was on Thursday," the party member said, who attended today's pre-selection, and asked for his name to be withheld. "This is the way they operate you know."

Lesina confirmed that she did have an "informal coffee with someone" while in Brisbane on Council business. Lesina said she had two hours free before the function in the afternoon, and that the Council officer who went as well, also "had a coffee with someone."

"It wasn't planned, it was an afterthought. My flight got in at 11am, and I didn't have to be at the awards till 1pm," Kirsten Lesina said. "So I had coffee with a friend, I don't think that should be a problem."

The State election will see a re-match against former Cairns city councillor, Paul Freebody, who lost to Lesina in 2008. Freebody is LNP's hope of making what many claim as an historic claim for the seat of Cairns, that has been held by Labor for the best part of the last 100 years.

The announcement that Lesina is the candidate that will run against the LNP's Paul Freebody, has been greeted with joy, as Liberal party insiders told CairnsBlog they believed a contest against Richie Bates would have been "formidable" and "although close, difficult to win."

"This is our preferred candidate for the ALP, I can tell you that for sure," a LNP officer said.

In a candid chat with CairnsBlog on Friday, Kirsten Lesina said she was feeling confident about her chances, in the face of some opposition from those who say she should complete her inaugural Council term.

"Yes, I'm feeling good about it," Lesina said. "It's been a very clean pre-selection campaign, because Richie and I are good mates, so that's been good."

Lesina said that it would not be a unanimous vote.

"There will be people voting for one or the other, but I think that everyone will rally around the candidate chosen, and that's been indicated from basically everyone."

Lesina has said that the local economy is her biggest priority if elected at the next MP for Cairns.

"There are a number of things, but one of them is to keep improving the economy obviously, and keep up with Anna Bligh's promise to create more jobs, and given the way Cairns is at the moment, I think that is very important."

She also cites the ongoing upgrade of the Cairns Hospital as important. Kirsten Lesina said, in reflecting on her last three years as a councillor for Cairns region, has been helpful.

"I've also been working on a lot of State issues with Desley [Boyle]. About a third of my [council] division is in the Cairns electorate, so that's been good, getting to know people locally and in the broader region about issues," Lesina said. "I think that will definitely be a help. I also helped people with federal issues when I was working for Jan [Senator McLucas], so I will be completing the trifecta."

Kirsten Lesina has been less that forthcoming on challenging her party's asset sale programme.

"We've sold the rails, the ports and the forests were leased, so there's only one where we've actually sold. But that's been done, and I don't think it's going to be undone," Kirsten Lesina said. "It's a done deal. I understand that people feel concerned about it and I completely understand, but it's happened."

Regarding any further privatisation plans, Lesina expressed concern.

"After what happened in New South Wales, we'd be mad to sell off anything like electricity or anything like that. Even if there was a will for it, I don't think it would happen."

In the recent NSW election, Labor paid the price after the State sell off of electricity.

The large anti-Labor backlash across the country and indeed throughout Queensland, will see a tough fight for Labor to retain Government. Many believe they will be whipped out at the next election.

When the State election is called, that is currently expected to be very close to the next Council election in March 2012, Lesina will need to stand down from her Council role and forfeit salary. It is probable that the Council election date may well move, if indeed the State election is not called early, as many pundits are predicting.

"If Lesina wants to be the first candidate in a million years to lose the seat for Labor and then to return to Council and lose that seat as well, she'll be political history," a disgruntled party supporter told CairnsBlog this evening.

Richie Bates posted a short message on Lesina's Facebook page on Friday.

"Good luck tomorrow, see you at Brothers!"

Lesina responded: "You too!"


Sharmayne Mitchell said...

BOO !!!

Tanya Brooks-Cooper said...


Sharmayne Mitchell said...

she can't fix my street how can I expect her to fix my city!!!

Pauline Douglas said...


Vaughn said...

What an absolute disgrace. Labor is dead to me. Forget about any union support in your campaign Kirsten you fraud.

Andrew Tunney said...

Now there's a good reason not to vote for her.

John Robinson said...

Great news with KL selection. Best possible outcome for LNP!

Janine Aitken said...

Is Gutted with the turn of events in Cairns & is hoping for Rapture to make it all go away!

Colin Riddell said...

It's been a very clean pre-selection campaign, YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

As I have said - and I will say it again...

VOTE[1] SexiSam - cause none of the other cu**S are worth voting for!

Terry Vance said...

My very best wishes and best of luck to you, young Kirsten in your endeavours to represent the city of Cairns. I greeted your nomination with some forebodings and wondered if you are prepared for the forces which will be inflicted upon your young head?. We are experiencing ugly social times, when neo-conservatism is rising through the layers of civilisation like supporating and scabrous smallpox. It is affecting many people in our society. I wonder at those extremists who scream with such blind prejudice and hatred that "If THEY come to this country, they gotta learn English." I say, blind prejudice and hatred, because these same people back down quickly when you ask them do they include Italians, Greeks, Yugslavs, Dutch etc in that? Neo-conservatism is designed to inflame the most basest emotions and inspires people not to think, as the example of the Italians and Greeks etc reveals. You must be blind if you haven't observed and felt the rise of another old and insidious prejudice, one which goes back through the ages of time. One which modern society attempted to place band-aids on, but which has burst through the thin veneer of modernity with a roar of neanderthal triumph. Misognyism is now out in the public domain, rampant and growing, fuelled by the forces of neo-conservatives and carried enthusiastically along by women themselves. Double standards are now fashionable, without people questioning the lack of reasoning. Neo-conservatism, as I said before, encourages people to judge irrationally. It was perfectly acceptable for Cairns male Mayors to declare that rates would not rise more than the yearly CPI (Tom Pyne will confirm this was a usual announcement by Mayoral candidates), but it is not acceptable for female Mayoral candidates. The message is clear. Men are truthful. Women are liars and not to be trusted. Men can be old and wise and distinguished yet women are "grey haired Auntys", figures of derision and ridicule.
Male Mayors can be given free time on a local radio station. Not so, a woman Mayor. I could go on.
The local media machine are willing and enthusiastic agents of the neo-conservative era.
Kirsten, you will find aspects of your personal appearance and personal life subjected to intense judgemental scrutiny by the local media. The male candidates will not be subject to any such scrutiny. Val Schier has grey hair. No-one mentions Kev Byrne's or Warren Entsch's hair. You will find any transgression however minor held up for public judgement, yet the males will not be. Your photographs will be carefully chosen by a certain media to show the most unflattering. (I would hope that there isn't one of you with your mouth open in front of a microphone.)
Best of luck young Kirsten. You are going to need the luck of the Irish on this one.

Bryan Law said...

It's another glorious "victory" for Desley Boyle. They defeated "the left" and put up an empty but obedient lackey for a "safe" seat in Parliament.

Poor old Terry doesn't understand that even ideologically correct young women like Lesina can act as agents for neo-conservatism. Indeed that's the very thing Lesina has done. If she takes office as the MLA for Cairns, she will spend 40 years on a corporate salary, and her only job will be to vote the way she's told.

Gee I'm glad I'm not in Cairns any more.

Terry Vance said...

I'm a Generation Xer Brian Law, younger and a whole world away from you and your beliefs. Had you any respect for the intelligence of women, you would acknowledge that they can think for themselves these days. They don't need men to tell them what to do, when to do and how to do as you seem to believe. But you cannot accept that, can you old boy? You just cannot and will not accept women are equally as intelligent, free and independent thinking as men.
Instead you can't help your middle aged 1950s mindset from falling back to the rigid sexist dictates where women "vote the way she's told."

Anonymous said...

I hope some independents will contest the seat.

As it stands now we have to choose between an inexperienced career politician who most likely will be just another Brisbane lackey and a misogynist semi-literate failed businessman.

I agree with your lofty sentiments Terry, but what make you think that Kirsten can deliver the goods ?

I don't care if my local MP is male or female. I just want someone who is effective and who will actually represents us and address our concerns.

While Kirsten has been helpful as a councillor with some traffic and safety issues,on other issues she followed the party line, like her predecessor, and was totally unwilling to make representations on behalf of local residents.

And that's exactly what a good MP must do. Represent the local constituents.

I am not holding my breath...

Bryan Outlaw said...

Good evaluation of Bryan Law, Terry. He's equal with misogynists Kevin Byrne & John McKenzie. What does he care anyway? He's supposed to be in jail.

Vaughn said...

Terry you carry on with a whole lot of PC shit don't you? Self-righteous wankers like you are so far removed from reality, but it's trendy to trout on like you do isn't it? The world is a tough place to live in, so get used to it. Bullshit and denial of truth is still just that. Kirsten is not the best person to represent Cairns. Gender is not the issue, so fucking get over it!

Terry Vance said...

Yeah Vaughan it's a tough place to live and it has gotten a lot bloody harder for those who can't crack a fat or slap their monkey.

And that is the point I made in my comments above. That women today do not have a level playing field.
I never said at any time that Kirsten was the "better candidate".

I can see it pissed you off Vaughan. It really pisses but pisses you right off when blokes point out that the women have got it harder. Instead of hammering me how about you start hammering Entsch or Freebody for the colour of their hair, their age, or dub them some sexist little nicks?

Bryan Law said...

Terry, I didn't say "women" vote the way they're told - I said Kirsten Lesina votes the way she's told. Kirsten may be a woman, but she is also much more than a woman, she is a human being.

Her reasons for deciding to join Labor Forum, further constrain the ALP's commitment to social justice, and at the same time personally enrich herself does not all flow from her womanhood.

But having demonstrated her compliance to the factional bosses and her disloyalty to local unionists, I can't imagine she'll become any different in the sheltered workshop of the Parliament.

Vaughn said...

Grow some balls Terry and take a concrete pill love.

D.J.HUNT said...

So you win the vote by 6-7% but you still lose under this system?? Sounds like they got the model of Ole Joh.

Terry Vance said...

Bryan, you don't seem to be able to help yourself.
"Kirsten Lesina votes the way she is told." Your words.
She isn't a Member of Parliament yet. We haven't had an election, yet here you are passing a sweeping judgement on her. You then proceed and make a further judgemental reference to her "compliance to the factional bosses". Since she isn't a Member of Parliament how can you say that as well?
I note that you have never once passed a similar judgement on Paul Freebody for "compliance" to the "Sicilian factor" of the Queensland LNP.
Funny, that. One rule for men and another for women. It's so bloody entrenched with some of you that it's as automatic as breathing.

Chris of Manunda said...

Chris of Manunda says
I gave the labor party away after fifty odd years and with it the weekly swill with Rod Cavalier and 'Richo' and the rest of the coffee set of Bowral NSW and now after this pre selection debacle I'm bloody glad I did.
With Bates out of the way it make it more of a downhill slide to victory for Freebody. Boyle and Mike Bailey can suck eggs.
Chris of Manunda

Vaughn said...

Terry, if you could only see for yourself the nepotism, cronyism and corruption within the Labor party today, you would understand the frustration of those of us who have supported this once great movement over many years, only to see it now infested with so many self-interested arseholes and corporate sycophants. Hence the reason why we need the likes of Richie Bates to provide a strong and principled political voice for our community, and not some jumped up career politician, only too eager to toe the party line.

Terry Vance said...

Yeah Vaughn, its how arseholes like you respond all the time isn't it? When anyone goes into bat for the women, you neanderthals all clutch your crotches in terror and start hurtling the usual abuse.
What do you do to amuse yourself Vaugn? Touch your old lady up on a Satdee night? Like to mock her in front of your mates, just to show who's got the balls hey?
Insist on having sex when she tells you she is too tired or menstruating?

Terry Vance said...

Vaugn, it might surprise you to know that I am not acquainted with the Labor Party to know of "nepotism, cronyism and corruption" within the Party.

However it beggars belief that the Labor Party would hold the monopoly on these qualities which seem to grow like tumours in every political party, organisation, service club, sporting club, work place or wherever human beings gather.

No political party would be immune from them. To believe otherwise would be one-eyed partisan extremism.

Vaughn said...

Sorry Terry, me and the missus are pissing ourselves laughing. Wish I could take you more seriously but you don't know me nor what I stand for so I'll leave it at that sweetheart!!!

Terry Vance said...

Yeah Vaugn, do that you creep. Tell you what, grab the missus and have some fun peering through a keyhole with both your eyes. There should be plenty of room left over. Oh, and hand your missus a fish in a plastic bag too as a gift from Gavin King. (Don't worry, your wife won't know what it means.) There, that will tickle your funny bones. Larf, geez you're gotta larf hey?

Terry Vance said...

Lastly, I wouldn't want to know someone like you "Vaughn". Someone who pisses themselves so easily isn't exactly choice company.

Anonymous said...

"I've also been working on a lot of State issues with Desley [Boyle]. About a third of my [council] division is in the Cairns electorate, so that's been good, getting to know people locally and in the broader region about issues," Lesina said. "I think that will definitely be a help."

And she was blindly following Desley's stance on local issues, ignoring what the residents wanted and refusing to REPRESENT the local residents. Boyle was sventually forced to listen to us through the involvement of Turnour and McLucas's . Lessina showed no interest at all in our concerns, but obediently followed the Party line, as directed by Brisbane and kept silent, instead of supporting us.

The issue was decided in our favour, demonstrating how out of touch Lessina and Boyle were.

Janine Aitken said...

I think Kirsten has alot to still offer both the party & politics, I fear the right has hung her out to dry on this one & I'm deeply concerned not only do we stand the chance of losing the historical seat of cairns but we have also just lost an excellent councillor.

Terry Vance said...

A sensible comment from Janine above. As I don't know much about the wingnuts of the party, I can't comment on that, but I fear the ALP have delivered up a fresh young female for King and Mackenzie to eviscerate, and to hang, draw and quarter. What fun they're going to have. And all the while cheered on by the likes of some of the neanderthals who have posted in here.

Anonymous said...


I have actually had quite a few interactions with local politicians of both genders and political persuasions on all 3 levels of government.

Have you ?

I don't care if they are male or female or what party they belong to. I just want effective representation. I have had both good and bad experiences and that's what I base my opinion on, not on any ideology.

It might be better to have Lessina in opposition than having Freebody in a position where he can do more harm than good.

But I do have a problem with career politicians, who are groomed and protected from a young age, without having any real world experience.

Vaughn said...

Pretty typical reaction from the likes of you Terry. You don't like what you read so you fly into a tirade of abuse. What is it that makes you holier than thou anyway? You appear to know very little about the internal workings of the Labor Party so perhaps you should just refrain from further comment. Your passion for womens' rights would be far better spent fighting against global injustices against women and girls such as female genital mutilation, child rape/marriage/slavery, domestic violence, and any other violation of human rights. If you believe Kirsten Lesina is the best canditate for Cairns, then you are wrong, and that is that.

Terry Vance said...

A classic example of the gender bias in The Cairns Post occurred recently with King's description of "Entsch handing Val Schier an olive branch" on the Cultural Precinct.
Entsch was one of the biggest critics of the project, demanding the money be spent on "shovel ready" (no community consultation) projects, a "rectangular" football stadium, then a "square" football stadium, then he wanted the money to go to a Chinese developer at Port Douglas, now finally we get where he says he does support the project, with restrictions...."

How the hell do you think King would have written this up if Warren was WANDA ENTSCH and the gender roles were reversed?

Let's see:


King's journalistic "spin" isn't just singularly pro the LNP. It is consistently gender biased. It is a sad reflection that few people bother to look beyond the obvious political slant to see something far worse and far more insidious.

Terry Vance said...

Vaugn, I started off my comments talking about one subject - misognyism, This inflamed your ire and you attacked me first. A typical neanderthal kneejerk born-to-rule male response wherein you even inferred I was gay. Typical.
Then I find you and Nick and Bryan all diverged onto something else - the Catholic Wing of the ALP versus the Communist Wing (I thought the communist bogey was over?) Whatever wingnuts they are, this has NOTHING to do with the blatant misogynism displayed by John Mackenzie and Gavin King.
My comments were about sexual bias and sexual bias only and noting that Kirsten has a greater obstruction to face than the male candidates.
I repeat, she does not face a level playing field.

Vaughn said...

Terry I never once inferred you were gay, and I wouldn't care if you were. Pull yor head in and stop the name calling.

Lisa Robbie said...

So sad Kirsten sold her soul - “I am unaligned at present,“ Cr Lesina wrote. “I will join the faction that supports me in getting pre-selected.” - April 20, 2011

Richie is a man of integrity, stands by his convictions and values and would never do that.

This is now a win for the LNP.

Sammy Jaye, Freshwater said...

What worries me is that Lesina started out this race with no faction to back her - something she said publically.. and now magically wins!

Furthermore, and of more concern, she hasn't even completed one term as a councillor... I mean, what does that say to you? Just smacks of a career polly... paycheck thanks people!!!

She could have reasonably retained her divisional seat in Council... put some runs and achievements on the board... and then step up the line... wow.,... is this woman that shallow?

Terry Vance said...

Vaughn, scroll back and see what you called me.

Anonymous said...

Terry Vance said...

"Then I find you and Nick and Bryan all diverged onto something else - the Catholic Wing of the ALP versus the Communist Win"

No idea how you came to this conclusion Terry. I did no such thing.

"My comments were about sexual bias and sexual bias only and noting that Kirsten has a greater obstruction to face than the male candidates."

She has defeated Freebody before, so you are talking nonsense in this particular case. His clumsy misogyny might actually work in her favour.

i am still not convinced that she would be a good MP and that is based on her track record and my personal experience and nothing else.

Terry Vance said...

Yeah Nick, Kirsten defeated Freebody at the election which saw the first ever female Mayor of Cairns elected.
Nick mate, think carefully. THINK. THINK.
Have you ever read or heard the following:

Aunty Val
grey haired Aunty
stick it up her vulcano
a monument to an ego
grey haired narcissist
hopeless bloody women
egotistical narcissistic women

Now Nick, where did these come from? Think mate.
I put it to you that the election of the first ever female Mayor in this city was the catalyst for an unprecedented media orgy in misogynism carried out by two individuals, namely King and Mackenzie.
Nick, this misognyism only started AFTER the election of Val Schier.
The media atmosphere is very different today than when Kirsten was elected to Council.

Anonymous said...


There is no need to get so worked up.

You sound like you just had some sort of revelation. Do you think the rest of us are deaf and blind ?

I think both Freebody and Lessina are unsuitable candidates for the seat of Cairns,regardless of any misogyny issues.

knrhill said...

It is my firm belief that the Labor Party has lost it's way! It used to be a party for the workers born out of injustices to the working class. Unfortunately the right wing "faceless men" (AWU factional boses) have hijacked this party and all it stands for, to further their control and political careers, to the detriment of those traditional supporters.

Ritchie Bates is a Unionist that has the support of his members, is in touch with his constituents and as a result he represents them passionately. He does not march to the beat of a small minority who hold the power to get him Pre Selected, and as such owe them no debt. Kirsten by her own admission does. That is precisely what is wrong with the Labor Party, and what has caused the disconnect that will see this government loose the next election by a big margin. Perhaps then the Party will re evaluate and discover that they need to identify solid principled candidates that have done their time on the factory floor, whom understand the working class issues, and whom are passionate enough to speak out and stand up for what is right, not just toe the party bosses lines. Fingers crossed hey, but don't hold your breath.

The issue is not one of Sex, but one of competence and principles and the suggestion that it is not, is frankly offensive. This is 2011 people and surely we as a society have matured enough to appoint the best person for the job regardless of gender.

Terry Vance said...

Nick, I am glad you actually acknowledge that misogynism is an issue. You tried to ignore it when you said that it wasn't an issue when Kirsten defeated Freebody in the Council Election.
I pointed out to you that times have changed since then and an orgy of misogynism has been released into the public domain.
It is an issue which will affect Kirsten. King and Mackenzie will eviscerate her.

Interesting to see yet another example of the all pervasive poisoned chalice of misognyism from "knrhill" above, who says the issue isn't about sex.
Yet he or she regurgitates up again that peculiar cliche "the faceless men" of the ALP.
"knrhill", did you know that women can join the ALP? Did you know that women have positions in the hierarchy of the ALP?
Or is it that only men have no faces?
Why didn't you say the "faceless men and women of the ALP"??
Why didn't you mention the factions in the LNP "knrhill"? Is the LNP allowed to have factions, but the ALP not? Do you know what those factions are in the LNP?
Finally, I'm absolutely amazed that people will blindly regurgitate some awful cliche that "she will be controlled by a faction" (meaning Kirsten) yet no-one mentions Freebody being "controlled by a faction".
Why not? Because of what he has between his legs?

Jake Robertson said...

How is it that Lesina can be the preselected ALP candidate for Cairns, and still retain her taxpayer funded job as a Cairns Regional Councillor? Shouldnt she resign as Councillor now? I dont think the people of Cairns should be paying for a 25 year old career politician to campaign until the next election is called. Lesina should resign like Campbell Newman resigned as Brisbane's Lord Mayor when he won preselection

Terry Vance said...

Just a further comment which is really puzzling. So called Labor people have indulged in a love-fest with Richie Bates who is a Unionist, yet they don't apparently see anything wrong with HIM being controlled by the Union Faction or the ACTU.(I wonder if they have faces???)
Yet they rant about Kirsten and claim she will be "controlled" by faceless men.
And of course, there is no mention of Paul Freebody and which cliche, group, wing, faction etc will "control" him.
Bizarre!! The faceless men control the women, but the men with faces don't control the men??? Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Terry Vance said...

"Nick, I am glad you actually acknowledge that misogynism is an issue. You tried to ignore it when you said that it wasn't an issue when Kirsten defeated Freebody in the Council Election."

I tried to ignore it ? When ? Where ? All I said was that she defeated Freebody before.

I think you are just arguing for argument's sake.

Or maybe you have just discovered the issue of "misogynism" and feel a compelling need to tell the world about it ? I

Why don't you tell us why Kirsten is such a good candidate in your opinion ?

I think both Freebody and Lessina are unsuitable candidates to represent Cairns.

Terry Vance said...

"She has defeated Freebody before, so you are talking nonsense in this particular case..." NICK

Your words Nick. Scroll back and read what you said.

I have pointed out to you that misogynism was launched upon the public in unprecedented measures FOLLOWING that election by John Mackenzie who has relentlessly attacked the first ever elected female Mayor. He was subsequently joined by Gavin King in using sexist and derogatory language against the Mayor.

Kirsten DID NOT have to face misogynism from the media in that Council election against Freebody.

It is now out there in the media, and my point, which I have repeatedly said, and the only point is, that Kirsten does not have a level playing field this time around.

Terry Vance said...

There is no mention of Paul Freebody and which cliche, group, wing, faction etc will "control" him.
Yet the LNP just like any political party, organisation etc would also have its groups, cliches, and factions.
Malcolm Fraser in his "Australians All" would regularly describe the "wets" and the "drys" within the Liberal Party, a clear acknowledgement of the idealogically different wings of the Liberal Party.
So isn't it just curious that Kirsten gets slammed because of some "wing", but Freebody is left alone???

knrhill said...

No Terry Vance you are right there is no level playing field when a women can be Pre selected with lesser votes just because she is a women, this is not level nor fair. I agree there should be no discrimination, but yet discrimination still exists, but I fear this is only perpetuated by favoritism that see's an individual win a vote because of their sex, and I find it incredible that you can fail to see that. Do you think our "fore mothers" who fought so hard for equality would want anything less ? This is clearly not equality ! 

You must ask yourself why, and if it is not a case of reverse gender discrimination, it is one of factional politic's and placing inexperienced "yes men or women" in roles where they become career politicians without ever really experiencing the difficulties of life "on the factory floor", and then being motivated to improve the plight for the working class as solid Unionists have done for over 100 years. That us what made the Labor Party great, not parachuting some young straight out of school person into politics. Kirsten solidified my view when she made it clear that she would join whatever faction that would get her Pre selected and she has. This re enforces the fact that she is not principled and will toe the line of others. Good luck to her but she is going to lacking the workers come election day and the whole party will be taught a lesson.

You say that Ritchie would have been true to his Union roots, and I say hooray! And it is about time, after all it was the Union Movement that started thus once great party, it is just such a shame that we all have let it be hijacked to become what it now is.

My comment about "faceless men" is to regurgitate the media's take on the Labor Party's position, and I must agree with the media, as right wing bosses of the Labor Party are all men, you would be able to know that If you were in touch like you portray that you are. Clearly you are not, and as a result resort to personal attacks on people you do not know an have never met. If I were Kirsten I would prefer you not comment on the issue if all you can do is personally attack people as you add very little to the debate.

Anonymous said...

Terry Vance said...

"and my point, which I have repeatedly said, and the only point is, that Kirsten does not have a level playing field this time around."

And my point is that Kirsten is not a suitable representative and I totally agree with the previous poster. As a former union member (BLF, no less) I am totally disgusted with the way the Labor party selects its candidates.

I have personally experienced how out of touch the current member for Cairns and her proposed replacement are with their electorate. I can assure you that Kirsten will get very few votes from traditional Labor voters in her council division.

She was parachuted into the position because Ritchie Bates had the guts to stand up and be counted. This was confirmed to me last night by someone who works for one of the current members.

By the way, while your sentiments about misogynism are laudable, you seem to have no trouble in indulging in a bit of "ageism" in your post directed at "old boy" Brian law.

What goes around, comes around. By the time the baby boomers are leaving the stage, generation Y and beyond will be snapping at YOUR heels.


Terry Vance said...

So Nick and krnill despise Kirsten Lesina because she was apparently supported by some "faction". On the other hand they say nothing about the male candidate Richie Bates who would have been supported by a male dominated union, the R.T.B.U. They also say nothing about Paul Freebody who would most certainly also have been supported and promoted by some LNP faction.
It's as clear as, isn't it?
One rule for men. Another for women.
You have confirmed my suspicions. When men do it, it is good. When women do it, it is bad. In the overall scheme of things, women still do not have a level playing field.
Adieu. Enfin.

KitchenSlut said...

A perfect example of the rampant sexist misogynism was the budget response of Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese: "This is a budget that had meat and potatoes in it, the essentials of keeping the economy strong; but also some vegies and some other things on the side. What we heard from the Opposition Leader was just a bit of salad and some dressing - no substance whatsoever."

Meaningless symbolism you think, until we refer to the definition of 'salad' at the authoritative Urban Dictionary: 1. salad is a term to define an attractive looking female that looks as if she is worth having sexual intercourse with. Shes a fucken' salad mate, I'd go her no questions asked.

Hmmmm, thankfully Albanese is not Health Minister and looks like he could do with more greens and less potatoes if wants any chance of a serving of salad!

Anonymous said...

"Terry Vance said...
So Nick and krnill despise Kirsten Lesina because she was apparently supported by some "faction"."

I don't despise Kirsten at all Terry. I have met her several times and she is a friendly and smart young woman who will obviously go far in life.

I have already explained several times why I think that she will not make a good representative for Cairns and that has nothing to do with "faction" or gender.

So maybe you should SCROLL BACK and READ and THINK a little yourself.