Saturday, 22 November 2008

This little froggy goes to market

The Kuranda Tree Frog was only recently discovered and is restricted to the Myola Valley.

On Monday you'll have a unique hoportunity to meet Dr Conrad Hoskin who identified the new species that evolved in the Kuranda area. There'll be time for a talk and questions followed by a supper of frog leg sandwiches (only joking).

Dr Hoskin will have his recently-published Fieldguide to the Rainforest Frogs of the Wet Tropics available, with new info, photos of all species and a detailed key for only $15!

The event is organised by Kuranda Envirocare and supported by FoE Kuranda.
  • WHEN Monday 24th November
  • TIME 7pm
  • WHERE Kuranda Recreation Centre, Fallon Road


Char Paul said...

so cute! i can think of at least one niece who will have this in her stocking. thx for sharing

It is important that we respect the environment we are a part of. how else can we respect our own wellbeing?

Harmonics in Cairns:
Real Lifestyle Change

Anonymous said...

If the Kuranda Tree Frog only exists in the Myola Valley I hope Dr Hoskin or the powers to be, will ensure that it receives species protection under the EPBC Act. So many frogs are disappearing or have become extinct and you can bet your bottom dollar this area will not be immune from future development.

John, Kuranda said...

Well the session at Fallon Road was fantastic!. Great turn up (and lovely scones, jam and cream). Conrad's talk was excellent and I think all left far better informed as to the importance of the Kuranda area in the overall plan of nature. The book is magnificient and I agree with char that it would make an ideal Christmas gift.

Thanks for bringing the event to my attention.

Anonymous said...

I also attended and enjoyed the Myola Frog event and learned lots more about matters that I thought I already understood.

All sides of the development/environment debate could do well to come together and exchange information like this.

We need to leave behind the 'us' versus 'them' mentality and start working together, beginning with proper understanding of the issues on all sides.

Anonymous said...

Well said Wendy!

It's great you publicized this on CairnsBlog, Mike. I imagine that's why a number of Cairns-based folk turned up. I agree with John and Wendy - it was an excellent presentation, full of interest.

It's fascinating to me, as someone drawn to this area because I felt it was special, that I hadn't really got any idea at that time how remarkable it truly is.

We're still discovering that.

We're very fortunate that people as skilled as Conrad Hoskin have also been drawn here and can sketch in a lot more of the detail for us to appreciate.

Anonymous said...

It was a great evening. Thanks to all who organised it.

Can we organise this down in Cairns as well? Who do we need to talk with?