Saturday 8 November 2008

Janine and Joel

Janine Aitken asked LNP Cairns Candidate 31-year-old, Joel Harrop, a few probing questions.

Daylight Savings
"It is a geographical issue, personally in Cairns it would be absurd, South East Queensland may one day dictate a hybrid system but should it be suggested for Cairns I would fight tooth & nail to stop it"

Recycled Water;
"It shouldn't be pumped into drinking water, it should only be for industrial and grey water use".
Prisoners in work camps;
"There is scope to make prisoners into more productive members of society"

"There is no policy at the moment"

Privatising schools;
"Private schools do take the pressure of funding off government, however every child should be able to obtain a quality public education".

ABC Rescue package;
"It is not the place of government to bail out organisations that have not been economically well managed".

Reducing cost of land for first home buyers;
"Assistance packages can feed inflation however the cost of housing is a problem, it is out of control. This is a policy area we are working on"

Would he be prepared to have an independent Speaker (of the Parliament);
"Yes, I have absolutely no problem with that I would be very comfortable with an independent speaker".

Stance on Heritage;
"If you go to Europe and walk down one of the streets there are buildings everywhere hundreds of years old, the Yacht Club was a terrible shame where was the benefit to the public? If it was something to benefit the community I could understand but all that happened was some rich guy got richer".

Plans to deal with farm run off to the Great Barrier Reef;
"Environmental policy is still being firmed up".


Anonymous said...

Health? Heeeaalllth? 'Firm' those policies up very quickly, Joel. But I guess you are already streets ahead of Desley. Her policy is essentially "knock em down and shut em up". And it is a broad scope policy for every issue.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope the kid from Cairns is Premier one day. Somehow, I couldn't imagine pseudo Deen Brothers knocking down buildings under Joel.

Anonymous said...

Here's a heads up for you Joel, the last ex Mayor of Cairns lost the Northern Beaches of Cairns, mainly for his total disregard for enviromental issues on the Northern Beaches, so the Libs had better sure up their environmental policies and fast, as there will be no enviroment left to save. Now is the time to act to get our support.