Tuesday, 2 August 2011

What's pink, comes round every 5 years, and gets too personal?

In New Zealand, the Wizard of Christchurch famously never filled in a census questionnaire, claiming he was a work of art, often sailing out past the 12 mile limit to avoid being in the country on census night.

However the 8,191 Christchurch earthquakes since September, have put on hold their 2011 census.

The Australian Census will be counted on Tuesday 9th August, just one week from today.

Some of the 14.2 million census forms were delivered around Cairns over the weekend.

This time you will have the option to complete the census online. It took me around 15 minutes to complete. If you do this, local collectors will be alerted by SMS and won't bang on your door again in the middle of the night.

Funny Questions for 2011...


1 comment:

:Kevin-John: Morgan. said...

Having had quite a lot to do lately, with the government, and mainly in courtrooms (yes, we have them on the run), I can honestly tell you all, there is NO valid law which says you must fill out the Census Form.
I challenge ANY legal person, any politician, or for that matter, anybody to come up with a valid LAW which says that the Census is COMPULSORY.
And whilst we're on the subject, we now have the AEC hiding behind their grungy desks, as we have proven they were fraudulent in the past Federal Election.
More news later.