Assisted by Graeme Dunstan of the Peace by Peace network, Bryan Law rode a cycle across the Rockhampton Airport tarmac, and attacked a $36 million Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter.
Law undertook the symbolic anti-war action, in advance of three months of media and public statements saying he was going to carry out the action.
At around 9.30 am on 21 July Bryan Law cut a $5 chain and entered the Rockhampton airport. He then rode his red tricycle 80 metres to a brand new ADF Tiger helicopter, and plunged a garden mattock through the carbon fibre panelling, disabled the helicopter.
''I gave it a whack with my trusty garden mattock, and the moment it went through that helicopter, I felt so proud,'' Bryan Law told CairnsBlog. "My actions succeeded against the odds," Bryan Law said. "I announced my intentions well in advance.
Bryan Law was arrested by Rockhampton CIB on July 8th, two weeks before the attack, and charged with threatening an aircraft, however still managed to carry out the action.
"With God's grace it turned out so very simple to disarm that hideous death machine." Law said today. "Up close you can see the machine cannon and missiles of the kind that are responsible for so many civilian deaths in Afghanistan. These machines will soon be deployed to Afghanistan."

The photo shows the hole Law put in the side panel of the pilot’s enclosure.
Whilst in Rockhampton, Law successfully fought for the right to speak in public against Australian's involvement in war, after Police took him to court to close down his permit from the local Council.
Before Law released the Affidavit, he invited friends to make their own estimate of how much the repair might cost. Low bids ranged between $10 and $50, with mention of gaffer tape, bog, and even paint.
"How much do you think the hyper-efficient, lean, and experienced administrators of the ADF can fix this hole for?'' Bryan Law asks. ''Brigadier Turton has already conferred with Brigadier Andrew Mathewson on the matter. I wonder who’s got the gaffer tape?''
"How much do you think the hyper-efficient, lean, and experienced administrators of the ADF can fix this hole for?'' Bryan Law asks. ''Brigadier Turton has already conferred with Brigadier Andrew Mathewson on the matter. I wonder who’s got the gaffer tape?''
Law said that the closest 10 entries would win a month for two at the Capricornia Correctional Facility.
Here's the Affidavit by Brigadier Neil Alan Turton...
I have seen many blogs by these two , of which I can quote, and it behooves me to know that these two bloggers (BO & nmm) are usually anti government or anti-something, but now they've become anti Bryan.
Not only that, they are so damned blatantly anonymous?????
I know this much (being ex-Air Force), and that is that the damage to this machine shown could be repaired in your back yard with a coke can and some superglue and a spray can of Khaki.
This machine is NOT supersonic!
It seems that "no more mike" is also privy to air traffic control in Afghanistan, as well as movements of military aircraft.
I also challenge the people who did the costing on this repair and would like to see second and third quote, just like the insurance companies.
Whilst I will say that I don't always agree with Brian's antics, he did show that only a handful of non-consenting Australians had the balls and are prepared to show their disdain of a corrupt and murderous nation such as America.
If they've taken our guns, what else can we do?
Use sticks & stones or even a mattock where necessary?
In the brave new world, you lazy and very forgetful "Nanny-State" people will die knowing your time here was truly wasted.
Bryan also made the mistake of advertising what he was intending to do, when in actual fact the covert way would have had better results.
I have witnessed the carnage of warlike people, even been part of it, but if any of these bloody US war machines come near my place in the country, I will make damn sure I do something far worse than what a mattock will do!
"I have seen many blogs by these two , of which I can quote, and it behooves me to know that these two bloggers (BO & nmm) are usually anti government or anti-something,"
Really? Point one out.
"but now they've become anti Bryan."
Become? Overnight you think? I've been "against" this self-righteous, self-aggrandising fool since Jesus was a lad.
"It seems that "no more mike" is also privy to air traffic control in Afghanistan"
No, just the (non-secret) FACT that Australian Tiger choppers aren't employed in Afghanistan, and that the army and government are both reluctant to send them.
"he did show that only a handful of non-consenting Australians had the balls and are prepared to show their disdain of a corrupt and murderous nation such as America."
By attacking an AUSTRALIAN chopper! Nice one!
OK i’m finally weary of cowardly anonymous cyber-stalkers who pollute the blogosphere with made-up facts.
No Moore Mike continues to dispute that Tiger helicopters will be deployed to Afghanistan. Go here and look at the Courier-Mail article of 22 July 2011. It’s not available on-line so this is a scan I made.
Please notice that this article is mostly a PR piece by those senior Army officers who want the Tigers in Afghanistan immediately, and who are hoping their performance at the Talisman Sabre war-games will assist in getting them there.
Major Haydn Archibald, officer in charge of 1st Aviation Regiment’s 162 Reconnaissance Squadron (Darwin) is quoted saying “I would love to go to Afghanistan tomorrow with the Tigers”.
I make an appearance two thirds in to the article, with my trusty mattock, putting forward the view that Major Archibald’s proposal is a very bad idea.
You can read the politics of 10 months ago here:
So NMM ol’ buddy, could you please stop farting out of your mouth whenever you pretend to know about something real.
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