Friday, 12 August 2011

Queensland Health flogs off surplus iPads at $150

If CairnsBlog readers are interested in getting an iPad, I can get hold of them through a contact.

These are straight, not “off the back of a lorry” – they are from a cancelled hospital contract due to the Government cutbacks.

The numbers are limited - he has twenty iPads going for less than half price – so it’s first-come first-served.

He has already sold one (photo attached so you can see what you are getting).

Drop me a line or add a comment below if you want one.


The long arce said...

Hi Mike

I'd be interested!!! I moved to Brisbane, would you be able to ship it? If so, how much would it cost?

Cheers for the heads up!!


[mobile number supplied, and removed]

Gerry, fixitnow said...

Hi Mike
I would be interested if you still have any left, I live in Redlynch


Rob F said...

Shouldn't this hae waited until April 1st? :D

Hans Van Veluwen said...

hmmmmm...I wonder what their Apad would look like...

Syd Walker said...

If the hospital has spare I-Pods Lord Monkton looks like he could use a couple of new ones.

kate said...

I'd like one for each "i", please. This article and comments are a slight for sore eyes.