Friday, 15 April 2011

Steve and Val can do with all the friends they can get

1 comment:

Warren Entsch said...

cover the place with tropical fruit trees...

no natives that's just more white condescending keep us stupid and unconscious of how we are slaves to be exploited...

what to eat when economy crashes..........why are we kept as slaves to money.... ie to private bankers at the Reserve bank the origin of usury and suffering in Australia...they simply roll their printing presses without backing assets and charge interest on the money they distribute to govt. and banks... billions in profit for nothing .......paid by compulsory taxes at point of or stay(in prison)courtesy of our greedy lying masters....Thank you wikileaks.....

come Australia's revolutionary upheavel we won't be continually vampired on for something to eat...

if you are 80 years old and still paying for food ,you been ripped of yer whole life as fruit can grow for free everywhere...

Come on you guys Val and Steve come to the rescue .....your real chance to shine and smile... plant food trees everywhere... the original infrastructure along with water garbage and sewers....

whoever does not agree town should be covered in permaculture needs chronic shop and market food is so poor quality ya just chuck it in the compost....ripped of.....even wealthy people are eating crap.. and others hungry or eating dog food... for this I fought and died... but now I just play footy eat shit and autism on the rise along with every other chronic lifestyle disease alzheimers ,parkinsons,allergies,ugliness,and death... but big profit for BigPharma.... same folks who own banks.... they laugh at how dumb you'll are .....where's the fruit trees... I know lets talk politics and religion...that keepem dumb...and economy not humans with love and babies....

lets talk restaurants...swill and garbage in cairns....fried poison with sugar salt and massive price but total cancer food....the rich can't even get proper nutrition cause in cairns there is

please step up and plant millions of public fruit trees for our strategic resource for all times...

who can see what a massive impost it is upon us to have to keep paying/slaving/dying through every generation when we know fruit is necessary and grows everywhere for no cost forever...