Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Citizenship ceremony this Thursday

A number of new imigrants to Australia will officially become citizens this Thursday at a ceremony in Cairns.

The event will be at the Civic reception at 10.30am.

Jayeshjumar Patel and Flor Solano Cruz, are two of those that will receive their certificates from the Mayor on Thursday.

Jayeshjumar Patel is from Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarap, near Pakistan and north of Bombay in India, with a population of 27 million. Jayeshjumar has been in Australia for four and a half years, and lived in Port Douglas and now at Smithfield. Jayeshjumar transferred to from his university where he was studying hospitality management. "I decided to stay in Australia for better work opportunities and lifestyle," Jayeshjumar said.

Solano Cruz is another new citizen and is from Santo Domingo the capital of the Dominican Republic. Solano has been in Australia for six years and came here with her German husband and child for a better lifestyle and work opportunities, and weather that is very similar to that of the Dominican Republic. She was a dive instructor in Santo Domingo.

1 comment:

Warren Entsch said...

Refugees are brave....welcome Jaye and Flor....Git on down to Snoogies for a smoothie....

Snoogies juice bar in town has the most massive and best juices in Cairns easy...

I'm surprised I never see any of the big guns downing the yummiest healthiest most affordable imaginative fresh juices and smoothies in the world .... Desley/Jason/Val/Kerstin/Gavin/Union critters/...

Desley still blathers on about 'Tiny's' juice bar but that was decades ago....