Friday 15 April 2011

21-year-old Aboriginal Erica Liddy, dies in Cairns Base Hospital

The 21-year-old woman that was the victim of a violent assault in the early hours of Tuesday morning near Freshwater, died late this afternoon after her life support system was switched off.

Erica Liddy, originally from Coen, had her family with her for the last three days.

Erica was found unconscious around 2am at a Freshwater bus stop near the corner of Kamerunga and Old Smithfield roads. She had serious head injuries.

Cairns Police still have few leads and have now upgraded the investigation to murder.


Alison Alloway said...

So sad to see a young life end in such violence

Brendan Fitzgerald Mulgrave said...


Warren Entsch said...

RIP Erica.........Australian blacks are treasures......

Bryan Outlaw said...

This is a sad story, but look at the facts. It's more than likely this woman was bashes by a drunk ATSI, and likely she was drunk as well. Should we be surprised that the ATSI community who are engaged in the vast majority of violent crime in Cairns, have ATSI victims as well as the tourists the prey on?

Cairns would be a better place if all these people stayed in their own communities. There. I've said it. Let's get the Kevin Byrne plan back in place and start trucking these people back to their home communities. We'll all be happier, and safer.

Bakchos said...

Hi Bryan,

I’m an ATSI person and I find your comments rather offensive. Before pointing the finger at us, take a look at what ‘white’ Australia has done to our culture and communities. Racism is not the answer to these issues.

Bakchos said...

Hi Bryan,

I’m an ATSI person and I find your comments rather offensive. Before pointing the finger at us, take a look at what ‘white’ Australia has done to our culture and communities. Racism is not the answer to these issues.



Unknown said...

Bakchos, Very well said. Bryan Outlaw, That was a young life tragically lost there, whether black or white. Who are you to talk about who did what? Do you know the facts before gobbing your big mouth off for everyone to read? I am an Aboriginal woman & what you have written is a very racist comment. If you dont have anything positive to say about people weather black or white, then keep your comments to yourself. Ana Townsville