Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Everyone's a fool

Google, famous for their annual pranks, launched an Internet search engine that will access tomorrow's news today and an email service that will deliver in past time. Handy. Not content with that, they teamed with Virgin to launch Virgle.

Virgin's Richard Branson also announced half price air fares if passengers were prepared to stand: "no chair fares". Then we heard that the Pope will celebrate a mass for gays in Australia. Bliss. I mean, bless.

Sydney Morning Herald said that a Darling Harbour Japanese restaurant was cooking up whale meat.

Melbourne's Herald-Sun said that cars would be ferried along the Yarra River because of the peak-hour traffic problems.

ABC's science news reported that stress from high house prices and sporting failures was shrinking brains. I think that might be a fact.

ABC Far North's Pat Morrish, who is retiring at the end of August, announced that her morning show will be replaced with Triple J's youth-orientated radio. It drew a chorus of callers complaining before the penny dropped.

Mayor-elect Val Schier announced she'd get a new hair do. Actually, I think that is true.

And CairnsBlog, fielded numerous requests for the special CD of the "Un-recorded Speeches of Kevin Byrne" today. I don't know how you can have a CD of recordings that were never recorded! I know Sno and Alan were far from amused. Must check with Andrew Griffiths to see how many orders he had to deal with.

Thanks to the spirit of April Fool's, it's such a fun tradition.

Oh, and Cairns Central shopping centre won't be scanning customers for baddies, anytime soon ;-)

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