Work has commenced to extend the one-way north-bound traffic along Cairns Esplanade, from Florence Street through to Upward Street.
The change is part of the $6.1 million cycleway, 75% contributed by State Government, will allow cyclist to travel from the central city to Aeroglen, avoiding the busy Sheridan Street main route into the city.
This section will be completed by mid-April. The bus route along these two blocks of the Esplanade between Florence and Upward streets, has been relocated to Abbott Street.
When the cycleway was narrowly passed by Cairns Regional Council a year ago, Councillors Bonneau, Cochrane, Cooper, Blake and Gregory voted against the plan, ironically citing safety concerns, among other reasons.
Most major cities are now realising cycle ways to be an integral way forward for alternative transport options. Brisbane and Adelaide in particular, have extensive cycleway networks.

Excellent! Can't wait until you can cycle from Palm Cove to the city without touching a roundabout or coming close to being killed by a semi trailer.
Cycleways are interesting, but mostly unusable for commuting in tropical climates.
I'm all for getting these 2 wheel hoons of the roads, where they go where they want, ride 2-4 abreast, ignore traffic signals and other traffic controls, ride on footpaths recklessly, and otherwise inhibit proper traffic flow. Many still don't wear helmets, they chat on their phones and blast high decibel music into their ears making them grossly unsafe.
A few more casualties would go a long way to getting the attention of these hoons.
Bicycle lobby groups have obviously had a win with this new path. However, we also need a pedestrian lobby group to form and push for footpath construction. Currently, pedestrians have a choice of walking on (often) rain-soaked verges (dodging parked cars and inappropriately placed trees and shrubs), or walking on the road and being dodged by vehicles. While not everyone cycles, most people walk and Cairns is sadly lacking in safe and comfortable places to do so.
Bryan Outlaw said...
Cycleways are interesting, but mostly unusable for commuting in tropical climates.
Why ??? If people can commute by bike in cold countries in rain and snow , why can't they do it in Cairns.
You are a typical example of the mindset that will not embrace change.
Yes there are many cyclists who behave like idiots on the road. They are easily outnumbered by the the ignorant,unskilled and aggressive motorists that plague our roads. Judging by your comment, you are probably one of them.
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