Friday, 17 December 2010

Free speech rally 5pm - Grafton Street, Crown Hotel

There will be another free speech rally, Grafton Street, next to the Crown Hotel this evening.

Anyone will be welcome to express their view and contribute.

This will be a good time to say how you feel our State and local government has performed in the last year.
  • Meet 4:30pm onwards.


Bryan Law said...

Not City Place, Grafton St next to the Crown Hotel. As part of the CBD Blitz.

Topic: Holding Council Accountable. What the citizen can do.

Gavin King is one speaker. Stories about Alan Blake/all Councillors welcome. Profanity encouraged. Preaching too.

Bryan Outlaw said...

How about "Holding Bryan Law Accountable"? The fat fucker still hasn't paid his fine or served is time for his vandalism of community property.

Let's everyone ask this arsehole why he can't conform to basic standards of behaviour, before he starts mouthing off about others.

Anonymous said...

Bryan O, if you’re referring to Bryan Law’s alteration of Desley Boyle’s election signs, I didn’t know they were community property.

Also, I would have thought that conforming to basic standards of behaviour would include avoidance of profanities like “fat fucker” and “arsehole”.