Anyone with information which could assist police with their investigations should contact Cairns Police on 40307000 or Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or Crime Stoppers 24hrs a day.
Rape Charge, Cairns
Cairns detectives have charged a 35-year-old Cairns man with one count of rape. It is alleged the man had been drinking with a 23-year-old woman on the Esplanade prior to the alleged 1.30am rape today. He will appear in the Cairns Magistrates Court today.
Traffic crash, Smithfield
Police directed traffic for almost an hour after a two vehicle traffic crash occurred on the Kennedy Highway, Smithfield at about 11.30am yesterday. It is alleged a motorcycle lost control whilst travelling down the Kuranda Range and slid into oncoming traffic. Both the 40-year-old male rider and his pillion passenger were thrown from the bike and were taken to Cairns Base Hospital for treatment to non-life threatening injuries. Moderate damage was caused to the motorcycle and people mover and no other people were injured. Investigations are continuing.
High range drink drive, Port Douglas
Police charged a 34-year-old Mooroobool man with one count of drink driving (0.264%). He allegedly crashed his vehicle into a pedestrian island and
fence at about 3.30am on Port Douglas Road, Port Douglas on December 27. He will appear in the Mossman Magistrates Court on January 12.
Wilful damage, Westcourt
Wilful damage, Westcourt
Police are investigating a wilful damage complaint that occurred at about 11.30pm on Sunday December 26 on Mulgrave Road, Westcourt between the intersections of Dalton Street and McCoombe Streets. A group of five teenagers described as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander appearance ran across the road then threw something at the bus which smashed a window behind the driver. The group of teens then ran off. Anyone with information which could assist police with their investigations should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24hrs a day.
Stealing, Bentley Park
Edmonton Police are investigating the theft of two 125CC Quad Bikes and a Suzuki JR80 off road motorcycle from a storage shed in Supply Road, Bentley Park. The theft occurred sometime between 7.30am and 9.30am Saturday December 25. The motorbike is described as being yellow and blue in colour. One quad bike was red, the other was blue. Police have released images of vehicles similar to those stolen.
Police are investigating a single vehicle traffic crash that occurred on the Captain Cook Highway at Oak Beach about 10.45pm December 24. QFRS cut the trapped 28-year-old female driver and her 40-year-old male passenger from the vehicle and both were transported to the Cairns Base Hospital for treatment of injuries. The man sustained a fractured leg in the crash. The silver Ford sedan was extensively damaged in the crash. Investigations are continuing.
Haha. You make the complaint Crimestopper takes the reward.
Police are more important than people.
Humans are expendible.
God is only for police.
Law is Satan in action. Judges in Australia demonic.
Police always/only lie dear jurist peers. Trust one's self implicity and get stronger everytime. HaHa.
Aborigine body on Severin has point blank bullet hole in head. Oh black, "chuck it in the dump".
Crimestoppers...1800 666 000...
whoaaa....I dont know what bin's been on but what I would like to know is...whatever happened to the story about our Navy being the drug couriers to Australia....just as the story was becoming interesting...nothing..not a word or article on what is happening there
Bin's on strictly fruit,veg,chillis and coconuts...
No thanks for your slander and inuendo Van Veluwen... Pray tell how many you regularly inform on to Crime(cover my arse)stopper?
Wake up drongo 'drugs in Navy' is a bullshit story.There's no drugs in Navy... ADF's Afgan cut is herion or coke take it or leave it. Media keep you dumb as planned...good for evil.. and the Party.. hello Australia how's the democracy going... oh good everyone's on the planned..haha..
How's this weather...yea immaculate...gardens booming..whoo hoo..
Coconuts?..that will do it every time...dont take them analy bin...dont even know why I respond to a letter I cant even understand..
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