Monday, 12 March 2012

Christian Lobby to hold poltical candidate forums

The Australian Christian Lobby is inviting all candidates for the seats of Mulgrave, Cairns, and Barron River to present their election platforms, in the run up to the State election.

There will be two Meet Your Candidates forums.

The first Forum will be held at the Cairns Baptist Church, 138 Lake Street at 6:45pm, Tuesday 13th March, for the seats of Mulgrave and Cairns. Wendy Francis, head of the ACL, will attend Tuesday's forum.

The second forum will be held at the Generations Church, 1 Moore Road, Kewarra Beach at 6:45pm, March 20th. This is for candidates for the seat of Barron River.

''This is an opportunity to show politicians and candidates seeking election that you care about how Australia is governed,'' Wendy Francis says.

The ACL says that the forums are run on a non-party partisan basis and encourages people to view it's information from a Christian perspective, on their special election website.

1 comment:

Maurice Milliner said...

The Yorkeys Knob Residents Association is holding a "Meet The Candidates" (Barron River) Forum at the Y.K. Community Centre Cnr Wattle and Cunningham Streets on Tuesday 13th March starting at 7.30p.m. All candidates have accepted the invitation and a large crowd is expected. Everyone is welcome.