When the damage was done, Bligh finally took the blame for this record loss with an ear-to-ear grin. Little did many of the party faithful know she had already planned her exit from State politics without even bothering to serve any of her new term out.
Is this the same sort of cut and run that Labor tried to tag and punish Newman with after leaving the Brisbane mayoralty?
At a local level in Cairns, the hypocrisy continued. Councilor Kirsten Lesina was “pre-selected” and was personally backed by Premier Bligh, despite having to leave her inaugural council term prematurely to campaign for the State. Sound familiar?
Lesina fitted the mold for Labor; compliant, smiling, obedient, and prepared to join any faction that would give her the seat. Such was the deal; she didn’t even bother to face the party leaders for the “Super Thursday” electoral college speech.
The other Labor opponent up for selection for the seat of Cairns, Railway Union Delegate Richie Bates, made the trip to Brisbane in a borrowed suit to give his address. Bligh chuckled at the one-liner Bates used as an opening and then promptly gave her vote to the absent Lesina, despite Bligh being in the same faction as Bates.
Although Bates won the local ballot back in Cairns, this deed from the Premier was enough to give the young career politician Lesina the nod.
Bates, a candidate for Cairns Regional council in 2008, and again this year, had thrown his hat in the State ring to make sure the party faithful had a choice. It was a noble but naïve act as the die was already cast. A vocal opponent of the Labor governments unpopular asset sales, Bates along with the ETU firebrand Stuart Trail had put principle and party policy first and criticized Bligh’s program of selling off Queensland’s highly profitable coal freight business.
However the party machine saw fit to condemn Bates at every opportunity. The following email was typical of the hypocritical propaganda thrown at Labor members during the Cairns plebiscite campaign:
- From: KeepCairns Labor
- To: Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 12:53 PM
- Subject: Richie Bates Candidate
- Richie Bates means the whole campaign will be focused on the past.- that will damage Labor in Cairns
While his recent move to the former Kevin Byrne-run Unity team for Cairns Council elections might come as shock to many, Bates claims his traditional Labor and union principles are as strong as ever.
Clearly, it’s a risky move for Unity's leader Bob Manning to take on the dogmatic Bates, but with Val Schier unable to gain any support to form a team, perhaps this is the moment where unlikely partnerships will prosper and prevail.
And now with former Labor members and candidates running a mile from the Labor "brand", the irony is Bates is still one of the few with his heart on his sleeve.
Easy for Bates to disavow his decades of Labor atrophy now. He would have been happy as a cucumber to have been anointed by Anna and her associates. He's a Labor hack thru and thru, and his sign-on with Manning shows just how sickening he is.
With other ethical candidates available to the electorate, Richie Bates would best serve the community by withdrawal.
Surely that's old "dirt" Michael. It's OK for you but not for anyone else? Bring on something new. While I recognise this will not be posted, none of my comments are, you reading this is enough.
Once a Master Bate'er ...
Always a Master Bater
Go Richie Go ...
Does this "support" for Master Bates have anything to do with him standing against Alan blake?
You are so transparent maicheal.
It's easy to see why Richie Bates was overlooked for Lesina. He's a working man and she's a career Labor hack
criticising a "dirt" campaign and engaging in one is different how? Bring on some new valid criticism. Do you think Richie would put his name to this rehashed dirt.
Ritchie, Your path is now clear, so go get 'um. It's ironic how the right is now becoming the "new" left for so many disillusioned life time Labor supporters.
Wendy I think given recent statements made about Richie Bates ALP affiliations on ABC Radio on Monday by another division 5 candidate makes this a timely reminder of what kind of ALP memeber Richie is (the rank & file - grass roots branchies as most of us Unionist are). Now is the time to air all of the ALP crap so that we can get on and rebuild, its not going to happen while we all ignore the icky bits. Lets face it everyone is talking and asking Why is Richie running with Unity2012. Great read CairnsBlog, well done.
Janine,you have covered the issues perfectly.I left because of the treatment they gave Rudd,this election to me is very sad because this could be the end of the Labor Party unless radicle change is made immediately.People like Richie Bates and Stuart Trail need to run the branches and you need a open preselection of candidates
Janine please do not even attempt to interpret the reasons I resigned from the ALP. My reasons are my own and have been formed over a lengthly period of time. It sounds like you are stating reasons why you disagree with the actions of the ALP but putting my name to them. How dare you!!!!!!
Raj, please accept Janines ravings as her own. I did not give Janine permission to speak on my behalf. Sounds like I just lost a second friend because of my resignation.
Just to be clear everyone, the views I have expressed here are entirely my own on the various reasons why people got pissed off at the party, not one person would have left the party for just one reason either.
Thank you Janine.
What is the answer for progressive people in the Far North.The Greens are dead and Labor Party heading the same way
hey Raj Patel why didnt u run for council?
Raj quiet for greens very motivated group now post state election
Jim do you mean quit?
yeah do at that ,,,going strong again now
If Ritchie Bates is genuine about being a peoples rep. why not run as an independent ... why be a dupe for that big ole slugger Kevy Byrne.
Thanks Crag,
It's no secret that I have been advocating the importance of a team, especially in the current council where the majority independents and remnants of Cairns 1st have left us at a bitter stalemate.
The reality is, the 2008 Byrne/Unity big end of town does not exist anymore. CEC, Hedley, Glencorp etc have all vanished, and the fact Val Schier still clings to this outdated perception shows just how out of touch she is with the local economy.
Regardless, Val herself has attempted to recruit new Unity people like Max O'Halloran and Susan Rees for her own line up. For this is the style of team Val wanted, one where she could avoid her own Labor brand while positioning Cochrane's LNP at the far right where it belongs.
Unfortunately Val has proven herself incapable of building and running a team. The demise of Cairns 1st and neglect of its supporters is testimony to this...
Thanks Richie. I agree with what you say about changed circumstances. Likewise I'm disappointed both in Val's capture by business interests, and failure to promote community organisation on anything but the entertainment doohickey.
Later on I'm going to respond to Raj's question. but for now, good luck Richie.
Your comments are a fraud on a number of fronts.
The old "big end" of town has just been replaced by newer ones. Bob Norman is the ringleader, and Kevin Byrne the captain. They lust after the waterfront site so they can toss it to some developer mate.
You misread the electorate. They want local reps, not "teams". Your defence of the team and then signing on to one that clearly is antithetical to your stated values is a fraud of massive proportions. You've killed any future you might have had with the people by this stupid idea.
Bob Norman and Kevin Byrne - the NEW big end of town!
Yeah, good one Ed
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