Curtailing the spiraling $70 billion debt and genuinely addressing our employment situation, has to be the priority for this new government.
Congrats to our new MPs. Michael Trout for Barron River, Gavin King in Cairns and David Kempton for Cook.
It looks as though Curtis Pitt will retain Mulgrave with a small majority, and will likely become the new leader of Queensland Labor.
My thoughts go out to Steve Wettenhall, Kirsten Lesina and Jason O'Brien, their staff and families.
Michael, you are very conciliatory and Margaret tells me I should be too. But part of me thinks these people have made their bed. For years they have been excluding and imposing until, finally, things got too hard for the people - who rose up and turfed them out for good reason.
I feel most sympathy for Kirsten Lesina, who was inveigled into doing the dirt on Ritchie Bates, and has now suffered a major setback in her career. But again, she consented to being so used by Desley Boyle.
Tell you what, if there's the slightest sign of contrition, I will find forgiveness in my heart for all the ALP. If they continue playing in the dirt......
SO when we people get too restless
the puppet Masters swap puppets SEE
Psst ... has anybody noted that the election result could also be perceived as a vote against women?
Err..... seems to me that FNQ is actually the biggest under-performer for the LNP and that Quick in partticular is a big failure?
A momentous new era begins for Queensland today, and the people of Cairns have made history with the breaking of the ALP stranglehold on the seat. Exciting times lie ahead as Can Do policies are implemented and Queensland has the chance to grow and prosper. I'm looking forward to added impetus for our city with a new council after the CRC elections in April.
How many times has Quick tried to get herself elected.....Townsville, Cairns....where to next ??
Watch out Brisbane! She might set her sights there !!
SO Lets keep an eye on the infiltrated "advisors-handlers" who pull the MP's strings ... eg local LNP, is the counterfeit alter ego now King-Weitzman ? SEE
SO Lets keep an eye on the infiltrated "advisors-handlers" who pull the MP's strings ... eg local LNP, is the counterfeit alter ego now King-Weitzman ? SEE
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