Saturday, 22 January 2011

The roaring Barron Falls today

Here's the majestic Barron Falls, Kuranda in full flight this afternoon.

John Robinson videoed this on his mobile and it shows the effects after the last two days of consistent rainfall in the tropics.

Click full screen, and wait for the mist to clear. Better still, if you're a local, take a drive up the hill and see the mighty river for yourself.


Marcel Baaijens said...

looks spectacular, but.. is this a normal flow or another flood effect?

Thomas Cook said...

i was there yesterday

Jenelle Dillon said...

wow awesomeness!

Michael Williams said...

Very impressive. Flooding down the bottom?

John Robinson said...

@Marcel A little more than normal - ONE day of tropical rain!

Ty Branaman said...

WOW thats impressive! I have to go back and see it agin

Martin Durkan said...

Nice video Mike. Yep, that's pretty much a normal flow after standard day of tropical rain and there is no flooding at the bottom, as in the suburbs near the river - that occurs when after a few days worth of really heavy monsoonal rain, usually end of Jan to March. I love it and hope Yorkeys Knob gets flooded in this year.