Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Cairns Council honours Clive Skarott as citizen of the year

Cairns Regional Council has acknowledged some special local residents on Australia day, for their contribution to our local community.

Ten residents have been recognised for their exceptional contribution at an Australia Day ceremony at the Cairns Civic Theatre. The awards were selected from a panel of Mayor Val Schier and some Councillors after nominations from the public.

Seth Fourmile of Gimuy Walabara Yidinji, extended a 'Welcome To Country' followed by the national anthem. The event also welcomed sixty new Australian citizens, from 27 countries.

Today there have been Australia Day events at Port Douglas, Yorkeys Knob, Trinity Beach, Cairns Esplanade and Edmonton.

Clive Skarott
Citizen of the Year –

- Member of a Cairns founding family; Foundation Director of Advance Cairns and the Electricity Credit Union (ECU); CEO of the EC and past Chairman of Queensland Ports Association 2000-2010; member of the community who has ensured continual support of Cairns Amateurs, Australian Volunteer Coastguard, Cairns Yacht Club, Festival Cairns and Cairns Indigenous Art Fair; associated with Cairns Junior Cricket and Cairns Post in 2008 named him one of 25 of the Most Influential People in the region.

Clinton Cave and Mark Thompson (joint winners)
Junior Citizen of the Year

Mark Thompson -2010 Captain Saint Mary’s College and Senior Debating Award winner; winner of the Member for Mulgrave Youth Volunteer Award, Edmonton Lions Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement; Member of YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament and Cairns YEA! Environmental Committee Chair

Clinton Cave

- recipient Order of Australia Youth Citizen Association Award 2010; first swimmer ever in Cairns State High School’s 93 year history to be awarded champion swimmer of the meet for five years of his high school career and three year record winner of 1.5km Green Island Ocean Swim

Terry Doyle
Culture Award for the Arts
Mentor of performing artists and creator of a distinct brand of music; co founder of People Advocating for Live Music (PALM); Vice president of the Hamilton State Primary School and Manager of the Queensland Junior in-line hockey team.

Lone White
Special Commendation (Culture Award for the Arts)
Lone White – ceramicist and regional arts advocate; representative of the Anti-Discrimination League and coordinator of the Cairns Sister Cities Exhibition

James WatsonVolunteer of the Year
– past Treasurer and President of the Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre; Community Veggie Garden carer; Senior Scoop reporter and Treasurer of Douglas Shire Seniors Incorporated; member of Toastmasters, Port Douglas Rotary and Tangaroa Blue Ocean Care Society.

Martin Hurst
Special Commendation (Volunteer of the Year)
Honorary Treasurer of Cairns District Rugby League and the Cairns District Women’s Rugby League; volunteer for his church community and local animal welfare groups

Chris Sheppard
Senior Sportsperson
CEO Northern Pride Rugby League Club with a life long career as a player of Rugby League

Jake Roach
Junior Sportsperson
- Captain of the Manunda Hawks AFL undefeated premiership team; team member of Cricket Far North under 19 Rep Team and North Queensland Country Under 19 Rep Team

Mitchell Evans
Special Commendation (Junior Sportsperson)
– member Cairns Motorcycle Club representing Queensland and Australia in competition; School Captain Redlynch College Junior School

I wandered down to the Australia day bash on the beachfront at Yorkeys. There was a line longer than a Timorese boat-load, queuing up for the free breakfast.
Local pollies were thick on the ground. Steve Wettenhall, MP for Barron River was up on the stage playing with Tony Hillier's Snake Gully. Just like his day job, but a little more in tune. I said hello to Warren Entsch, Federal Member for Leichhardt, as he was besieged with problem-ridden constituents wanting him to fix pot holes. I even shook hands with Councillor Sno Bonneau - I wonder how many Clifton Beach readers I've just lost?

And then there was Deputy Mayor Margaret Cochrane, a regular stalwart of Aussie day events. She kindly pinned a Koala on my singlet, complete with Australian flag, all made in a sweat shop in deepest China. Margaret even gave me a hug. I wonder how the Koala enjoyed the experience? It's not the first time a Cairns Regional Councillor has given me something furry with sharp claws.
Oh, it's great being a Kiwi on Australia day. However, as Waitangi Day falls on a Sunday in February this year, I expect it to be Mondayised.

1 comment:

Alexander Reid LP2 said...

It is good to see someone Councillors have a positive outlook.

I wish I could get the Cairns regional council to address the issue affecting tenants in an old rotting house at 23 Barry street. The landlord is an alcoholic or very heavy drinker who arrives at the house every morning to repair old rusty cars under the house. He has a licence from the council but he's breaking several laws relating to noise, dust, and quiet enjoyment of the people living in the house.

When I asked if I could open a workshop under some tenants rooms, I was told that because it would cause problems with noise dust and fumes, it would have to be housed in a separate building.
The man's drunkenness has caused serious disagreements at the home, and he has been fighting with the tenants. He intimidates some of the older tenants who are sick and too poor to move.
Who will stick up for these disadvantaged elderly Cairns residents if the Cairns Regional Council will not lift a finger to help? See some photo images at