Wednesday, 24 February 2010

WIN TV gets own Facebook fan page

"Can this page getter a better reception than Win TV can in FNQ?" is the name for a new anti-fan page on Facebook, the world's most popular social networking site.

"Damn you Win TV. You f**ked Top Gear. You f**ked the cricket. You f**ked the Winter Olympics. Liars and Bastards," so reads the introduction attacking regional WIN TV, who have been plagued with transmission problems over recent days.

The page, set up today, only boasts 46 fans, however that is sure to grow.

It miffs me why people bother with commercial TV these days, what with its mash of un-reality shows, regurgitated wall-to-wall American crime shows, and bland news coverage. I thought that's why DVDs and the movies had such a resurgence.


Al said...

In Redlynch tonight, every channel loud and clear - except WIN9? No signal!!

Rob Farquhar said...

"I thought that's why DVDs and the movies had such a resurgence."

Not to mention video games! :D

Tony Hillier said...

If all the free-to-air commercial TV channels get washed away in the digital broadcasting avalanche, no intelligent, discerning person should shed a tear. They are anachronistic repositories of dumbed down programs, bobbing around in a sea of banal ads, kewpie dolls and puerile tittle-tattle.

win arecrap and 7 said...

win reception has been crap for months in edmonton always dropping out, but while we are here lets kick prime the bastards run afl up like no one lives here ,2am in the morning , there are more mexicans here than rugby lovers you stupid wankers 7

winislose said...

Dropped out again last night during 60 minutes ,so we only saw 57 minutes NOT FAIR WIN!!!!!!!

phil mt sheridan said...

told last week from tv antenna company that signal strength was high yet win have informed cairns viewers that reception problems have been fixed.BULLSHIT.....

Greg Quinn said...

I am so sick of WIN transmission problems in Port Douglas. This includes "GO" and "GEM". All other Channels are fine - wasn't Digital TV meant to improve reception; seems like we have gone backwards!!