Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Queensland Labor's one year anniversary

Labor is under attack in the Queensland parliament, as the opposition marks 'achievements' on their one year anniversary since the election.

"They mark bringing in the fuel tax, increased car rego, increased taxes, electricity charges... the list goes on," David Gibson, member for Gympie says.


Billy Moore said...

Lets not forget the minor issue of Privitisation - something that will go down in history as the very undoing of the Bligh Government. Everything else pales in significance. By the time the Unions have finished with them there'll be nothing left.
Now please come forth a quality opposition as a viable alternative.
Queenslander !

Michael Hyams said...

In my 45 years since migrating to Oz ( a 5 Pound Pom Who never had one moments regret at taking the step) I must say that having lived and worked in all States except WA my impression is that the Federal Govt, all State Governments, all Police forces, particularly the AFP, all Bureaucracies are incompetent (I nearly typed incontinent, but that might as`well apply) and corrupt from top to bottom.

This is not to say that our present lot or any different from their predecessors except in degree. Still I will not be following one P.Hanson to Blighty. Far from it it does give me a small morsel of comfort that she has decided to join that lot, who, from all accounts is just as useless as our lot.

They say that you get the politicians you deserve, but the saying has nothing to say about the Police services and our public services. Now, having got that lot off my chesItthink I will have a Bex` and a good lie-down.

Al said...

Hey, Michael Hyams, talk about corruption, I too came here from Blighty in 1965, and it cost me 10 pound! Who did you know?
Being a little harsh aren't you old chum: Incompetent maybe, but corrupt from top to bottom? That's drawing a low bow, and a description reserved for our (very near) neighbours to the north. Antipodean pollies might be overly generous with their pension schemes, and indulge themselves in the odd travel rort, but as far as I know, we haven't reimbursed any for duck houses yet.

Russ Parker said...

Mr Hyams - As a Copper I take umbrage to your comments that, "the Federal Govt, all State Governments, all Police forces, particularly the AFP, all Bureaucracies are incompetent and corrupt from top to bottom"

Sir I realise that not everyone in these organisations is squeaky clean but it may just surprise you that by far and away the biggest percentage are there to discharge their duties in an honourable manner. To insinuate that all these thousands of employees are corrupt is both nonsensical and offensive. I read elsewhere in the blog that you attended the radio station with Councillors Cooper and Forsythe as your guests. Being bureaucrats, weren't you concerned that they would be corrupt? What about Greg Dwyer, who resigned from his position as a presenter. He's a Police Officer - does that mean he's corrupt as well?

I defend absolutely your right to free speech Mr Hyams, but please refrain from using cheap and baseless insults toward people who are trying to do a good job. They deserve better than that.

Michael Hyams said...

Hello - quite a hornets' nest eh ? I never said, nor would I that, for instance all Police were tAinted. That would be ridiculous, but what about Fitzgerald all those years ago, and what's going down in Victoria at present.
I dont know you, nor you I, an d I have no doubt that your life is beyond reproach. I still think I will have that Bex.

Of course I did undervalue the Oz government's contribution to my migration. You talk about "drawing a low bow" Not sure if this was a typo (a disease from which I also suffer) or whether you might be referring to my facetious remarks about incontinence. I will assume you intended "a low blow" but if it was a freudian slip then lets all have a good laugh - oh - And a Bex

Leuco Gaster said...

That's "drawing a long bow", I believe. To extrapolate too far from the initial proposition.

Al said...

Oops, confirming that should have read "a long bow". Thanks for your comment Leuco. Memo to self: Take care proof reading before posting.

David Gibson (via Facebook) said...

Took Labor to task in the 5.30 debate over their failure to give their membership a voice by cancelling their State Conference. It was like being in a parallel universe. I doubt since the 1950's has a Member for Gympie stood in the Parliament and defended the rights of the Labor rank and file!

Rail Rager said...

This putrid government, along with QR CEO Lance Hockridge, are hell-bent on destroying regional rail transport in this state. I had the displeasure of travelling between Cairns and Ayr, via the Bruce Highway recently, and the amount of heavy trucks on the road was disgraceful. The highway is in disgusting condition and this can be directly attributed to the favouring of heavy road transport over rail. This stupid government would rather pander to corporate demands than provide the rail service that the people of Queensland deserve. Upgrading the highway will do little to alleviate this situation. No sooner is a new road surface laid down, then it is rapidly destroyed by heavy trucks. The money saved by closing rail services is soon lost in patching up this damage. Also, public safety is ignored when favouring road transport. Increasing heavy road transport will cause an increase to our already massive road toll. We should all be extremely alarmed by what is happening in Queensland at present. Privatisation DOES NOT WORK! The "SMART STATE"? I think not!

Labor Insider said...

Poor old Anna Bligh, her days at the helm are numbered. Rudd has issued internal instructions to the Qld ALP to rid itself of her. He does not want that millstone around his neck in an election year. Internal polling indicates that Bligh is on the nose and the electorate is wanting to vent its spleen at the first voting opportunity and Rudd's election is the first one.
She will be the sacrifical lamb for Rudd's sake. Without her riddance the Federal ALP stands to loose 5 seats in QLD.
Bligh is from the Socialist Left faction and is the Premier at the behest of the AWU right wing faction. Ludwig and his henchmen have given her an ultimatum to leave with dignity or face removal.
Can't wait for the ensuing blood bath.

Rail Rager said...

Ludwig and the rest of the AWU(Australia's Worst Union), had the chance to stop the privatisation debacle before it even began, but instead chose to back Bligh in her disgraceful traitorous attack on basic ALP platform. Good riddance to the lot of them I say!!!

EX amwu site convenor said...

Don,t just bag ludwig awu , andrew dettmer did a shonky deal also HE IS AMWU ,CREEP

Union Rep. said...

So say all of us...!!

Beachman said...

Here here Russ of Trinity. Mr HYAMS I also find your long range baseless comments offensive. It does make me wonder where this region/country would be if was not for the whinging poms to keep us all in line. I say this assuming that you have served this country in some way (police/military/medical) perhaps or have you just been in it for yourself all these years.

Railway Fettler said...

What has the Community got to do to engage the ALP members that only represent themselves, with local issues?

We all know that they read the Cairns Blog but not a word in reply.

I want to hear from Jason'Red Wine' O'Brien, Steve WET and NO Balls, Desley Boil, Parachute Pitt and Jimmy 'Turn Me On'Turnover.

The lights are one guys but no one is home.

Come guys come out and play ball.

Michael Hyams said...

Well Mr.Beachman, if your a really true blue Aussie you would not hide behind a Pseudonym. By the way, there are probably a few Bex powders left in the packet and you sure could use one but if I sent it to Beachman c/o Australia I think that even Australia Post might have a little difficulty delivering it. Oh, by the way I left out Aussie post in my original list, but after reading about their antics very recently in southern suburban Adelaide, perhaps I should not have done. My kindest personal regards to you from a genuine Aussie Taxpayer (maybe that personal contribution to the common good doesnt count) "aveagoodweekend"

Thersites said...

I'm a bit confused by Rail Rager as all the problems he rants about have occured under public ownership? Even before the appalling QR Coal performance which has cost Qld millions in lost revenue and exports as well as raising costs around the world because of the number of ships tied up off Qld ports when QR cant deliver.

The highest quality rail track and performance recognised by professional bodies are the Pilbara tracks operated always entirely privately by BHP and RIO.

Rail Rager said...

Thersites, I don't disagree that QR has been mis-managed at times under public ownership, but this is still no reason to privatise. Do you think the likes of BHP and Rio are interested in carrying general freight? The worst thing to happen to QR was corporatisation. Now the people of regional Queensland are rapidly losing their freight and passenger services. That's right, SERVICES. QR's role as a publicly owned company has traditionally been, and should continue to be, to provide a service to these people, whilst profiting from the coal and mineral sector. QR makes a profit, and the government reaps a massive dividend from this. Privatisation WILL result in less services and more long-haul heavy trucks on our roads. Do I need to go on? Why do we need to rationalize our rail system, just because other states and countries have done so, mostly with disastrous results. Corporate greed and economic rationalism is no excuse to privatise rail, and if you believe that any money saved will benefit health and education in this state as Bligh has stated, then you have been misled.

Thersites said...

Rail Rager we actually agree on some small issues although perhaps not on overall perspective!

Your invective that privatisation per se "does not work" invites the inverted opposite that public ownership will always work? Both statements are obviously wrong?

The debate is in where and the political populist opportunism here from the Unions matches the current opportunistic strategy in my view of Abbott?! You have sooo much in common if only you could both see it?

Bring back Eva Peron!!