Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Queensland election March 24, Council election late April

The Queensland State election has been called for Saturday March 24, with local Council election expected late April or even early May.

This will provide a long two-month election campaign.

Premier Bligh's announcement also suggested she wanted to go to the polls on March 3rd, however wanted to grant an extension to the 2011 flood inquiry to examine new claims that the Wivenhoe dam was mismanaged.

The decision to delay the flood report will anger many as it is very likely Anna Bligh and Labor will be dumped at the State election, well before the investigation reveals the State Government's serious management that exacerbated the death toll.

1 comment:

Chris of Manunda said...

Chris of Manunda says
One would hope a new government will have a criminal investigation into the Bligh abomination.