Thursday, 12 January 2012

February Queensland State election likely

Party insiders on both sides of Queensland politics are predicting a late February poll for the State election, with bets on the 18th or 25th.

The early date is the most likely to avoid a clash with the State-wide local body Council elections that is expected to be held on March 31st.

Although the State election can be held as late as May or June, it is thought that Labor is now preparing for an early election ahead of the Council polls which could have a negative vote against Labor candidates, that would then reflect in the State election.

This will allow the minimum period to adjourn Parliament with a 26 day campaign, so an announcement next Tuesday is probable. Brisbane media have been tagging Premier Bligh in recent days as she prepares for her last visit to 168 Fernberg Road, Paddington.

Get ready for nearly three months of political election spin from what is brewing up to be a massive change of government at all levels with already a huge lineup of declared wannabee pollies.


Bryan Law said...

Sometimes I lie awake at night worrying about the infirm, the incompetent, the folk who are so stupid vicious and arrogant they just can't maintain a decent home and life.

How good it was to read that Jason O'Brien will qualify on 7 Feb for a Parliamentary pension for life of $65,000/year. That's one less drop-kick I need to worry about.

nomooremike said...

"Sometimes I lie awake at night worrying about the infirm ......

That's one less drop-kick I need to worry about."

So the infirm are drop-kicks?

jim cavill said...

news on TV to day there will be no election announcement next week.

Janet Brown said...

So Bryan are you ineligible to stand for public office now you are a convicted criminal? I always wanted to put you last on a ballot paper.

Shaun Newman said...

Silly comments do nothing to progress the subject. I believe that the Premier would be foolish to go to the polls before the voting public have their say on local government.

Chris of Manunda said...

Chris of Manunda says,
What good is an election when the electoral commission cannot says it cannot and will not prevent multiple voting which they say is accidental.
How accidental is moving from one booth to another to vote again.
Chris of Manunda