Friday 20 April 2012

Cr Alan Blake did vote for the Precinct, even though he says he didn't

I was going to write a heap of stuff here about the duplicitous re-election campaign that Cairns Regional Councillor Alan Blake is running, but I thought it would be easier to let the pictures do the talking.

Here's the Councillor's car snapped by a CairnsBlog reader yesterday...

He proudly claims "I didn't vote for the Entertainment Precinct.  I't's too expensive and on the wrong site."

But wait, take a look at this.   Here's the Councillor's voting record on the Cairns Entertainment Precinct.

Alan Blake moved the original motion, with the support of Deputy Mayor Cochrane who is now loudly opposing it as well.  In 2010 Blake moved another motion with specific reference to the waterfront site being "ideal and does not impede future Port development."

In this week's CairnsSun newspaper, Cr Blake says "I strongly opposed this new theatre plan and have lobbied for a more affordable option on a site that won't stifle vital port activity."

Isn't this just a little bit bullshit?

1 comment:

:John: Babet @ CRAG (Community Reformation Action Group) said...

It appears that Alan Blake has credibility issues ... eg some years ago he offered a bet that the big slugger Kev Byrne would be re-elected ... it was accepted on condition that if he lost the $100 would go to Haralds house for the street kids ... we shook hands ... he lost ... his $100 donation is still unpaid despite a few reminders.