Friday 2 December 2011

Julia Gillard's 1984 student election promise to support "homosexual rights"


Burgo said...

Ha ha .......Move forward 30 years and Julia's main agenda at the ALP conference seems to be to develop and grow the unjust nuclear industry in Australia and internationally, particulary its ties with India. It seems she is also not ready to support the rights of gay people in the fight for equality and to be recognised in same sex marriage. I hope the lefties have the numbers to change the party platform in regards to same sex marriage, and the numbers to stop any growth in the nuclear industry. Stand up delegates and remind Julia of what she once believed in.

Terry Vance said...

The Party platform has changed, ALP members of parliament have been given a conscience vote, and the Greens are expected to put forward a Private Members Bill on Same Sex Marriages I believe early next year. This effectively means that same sex marriage now rests entirely with Tony Abbott and the LNP. Given the LNPs history of refusing conscience votes of its members of parliament and Abbott's own antipathy towards gays, it would appear almost certain that Same Sex marriage will still be a dream for many years to come.

Alison Alloway said...

I agree with the above comment. Even if the gay and lesbian lobby were to pressure those LNP members like Malcolm Turnbull whose electorate, Wentworth in Sydney, contains a high proportion of gay voters, I doubt it would have any impact on Abbott. (In fact Abbott would probably enjoy seeing Turnbull put under pressure.) I cannot see this legislation succeeding and predict Abbott will use the proposal as a "wedge" issue to inflame emotions and heighten division within the population. I can well recall what happened in the 1970s when the Whitlam Government changed the social welfare landscape with the de-stigmatisation of illegitimate births, the extension of sole parents pensions to single Mothers (prior to Whitlam, single mothers could only receive a small benefit for a couple of months before baby was born and a few weeks after the birth of the baby.) reformed the divorce laws making divorce much easier etc. Certain politicians stoked up the community with wild emotional claims about the break down of society, how the population would explode with an unprecedented baby boom etc etc. It was a highly emotional period and I have vivid memories of arguing with emotional women who believed that single mothers should give up their babies to the adoption agencies instead of raising the babies themselves, because (and I quote) "so that married couples who will REALLY love the babies can have them."
There were many similar such absurd and outlandish claims during this period.

Anonymous said...

I think Gillard is pushing through a lot of legislation that is in the best interests of her globalist supporters but not in the interests of the Australian people that we, deluded fools that we are, thought she was there to represent. Meanwhile the faithful standby of "Gay Marriage" is trotted out as a constant distraction and redirection of political effort, aided by the stenographers that operate the Australian media for the benefit of the proprietors and their political and moneyed friends. It is not in their interest to grant legalized "Gay" marriage because it is not in their interest to lose the distraction value of the issue. Its smart politics of course to pull it out and dangle it like a carrot, only to have it fail with the blame dumped on the Opposition, but Gillard's own words betray her narcissism and fundamental lack of honesty, yet again.

Syd Walker said...

She's delivered on womens' rights.

Terry Vance said...

I see where Turnbull has already requested Abbott put the issue to a conscience vote. It will be interesting to see what the outcome will be. The ball is now well and truly in Abbott's court and he will milk it for every political advantage he can, probably turning it into some sort of personal soap opera with himself in the starring role. I'm tired of how this issue has dragged on and on when there are more important and weighty matters for Canberra to attend to.

Anonymous said...

Terry, I'll just remind you that it is not Abbott who is in government. These are the things Government is supposed to legislate on taking into account the will of the people and their election platform. You are close on one thing however, and that is the question of more important issues. There are more important things than a divisive issue being manipulated by a cynical government who are using this to score points over the Opposition, while also ensuring the issue remains unresolved and live, to be used again when a distraction is needed.

Alison Alloway said...

Abbott has confirmed my prediction by publicly stating there will be no "conscience vote" and the LNP will support traditional marriage. I guessed Malcolm Turnbull whose electorate has a high gay proportion would have a different view, but he has little influence within the rigidly conservative LNP. The LNP do not have a policy on "conscience votes" so same sex marriage won't be legalised for many years to come.
This is why Anna Bligh was loathe and reluctant to do anything about reforming the abortion law in Queensland. While the ALP were open minded in allowing their members a conscience vote on this issue, the LNP indicated they would not permit it of their members. Anna's assessment was that any such legislation was doomed to fail. While I believe the LNP are wrong in not allowing conscience votes for its elected Members, it is their antipathy towards endorsing gay candidates which I also find worrying. One of the great consequences of the "coming out" movement of the 1980s resulted in open, honest dialogue from the gay community. Gay men today have no problems in speaking about whom they fancy, or even whom they have had a fling with. It is perhaps something that the staid, morally Victorian LNP members need to come to terms with. These things are no longer "kept under wraps". They are not "kept quiet." A man who has hidden his homosexuality behind a false marriage for political aspirations, can be much more easily exposed today. The gay "bush telegraph" is very strong. The LNP need to reappraise their position in line with modern mores and expectations.

Terry Vance said...

Oooh, careful there Alison. Don't try and peel away the naive, almost childish social constructs of the local Cairns community. A man who has a female wife with a stomach full of arms and legs can't be gay, can he? Tsk, tsk, the simple, gullible wife will stand by her man like Tammy Wynette until the cows come home. LNP members like to still believe in "discretion", like all the female mistresses (and gay lovers) kept in units on the Cairns Esplanade, in years gone by. But of course, "discretion" is a Victorian value and no longer socially valid. You are right, male lovers will no longer remain in the shadows while the wife prances around playing out some revolting fake charade like an idiotic toy Barbie revelling in her own fantasy world. Todays society demands better standards. The LNP need to wake up to this.

Anonymous said...

You know a little too much Terry. You're far from wrong, but you know too much. No doubt someone needing your silence is plotting your demise with a big rubber one across the noggin when your back is turned.

I recall in the early days of HIV outreach workers going to the local toilet blocks to educate on safe sex only to told by some to stop wasting their time because you see we aren't Gay. This is the reality still. No matter how liberated we may be publicly, real liberation exists only in the mind.