Friday, 16 December 2011

Christopher Hitchens 1949 - 2011


KitchenSlut said...

Christopher Hitchens is a sad loss. He was prepared to offend, and change his mind outside the orthodoxy of ideology.

Anonymous said...

I still remember him on one of America's crappier TV shows (on FOX of course) with the evil witch of American fake conservatism Anne Coulter, giggling like a dirty schoolgirl over George Bush's flight suit bulge during the now notorious "mission accomplished" photo-op on the Carrier. Now THAT was offensive. I won't miss the opportunist.

Anonymous said...

Hitchens was a media enabler of the Bush clan and their Neocon backers. I for one won't miss him. A Tokyo Rose of the first order when it suited him.

nomooremike said...

Oh dear, someone's got their knickers in a twist, calm down sweety.

Anonymous said...

Actually Mike, I didn't think you posted the first comment, that's the only reason a second one popped through. Sentiment remains however.

KitchenSlut said...

Actually PB you are indeed a sad person of limited intellect! Christopher Hitchens, refugee from the left, was a neo-con?

I can disagree with what he wrote and supported on Iraq while still maintaining that he was an independent mind. Unlike yourself!

Hitchens problem with Iraq and his home in the left was with a left that wanted to support fascism as long as it suited a short term agenda.

Saddam Husseins regime was indeed explicitly Fascist yet its greatest support came from the left?

That was the dillemna Hitchens exposed that you choose to ignore!