Friday, 27 July 2007

QLD PREMIER Statement of Local Govt Reform

Joint Statement:
- Premier and Minister for TradeThe Honourable Peter Beattie
- Minister for Local Government, Planning and Sport The Honourable Andrew Fraser
Friday, July 27, 2007


Premier Peter Beattie has welcomed an independent report which recommends significant reform to the system of local government in Queensland.

The Premier and Minister for Local Government took delivery of the report from Local Government Reform Commission Chair Bob Longland this morning.

Mr Beattie said the two volume 455-page report recommends boundary changes and amalgamations which reduce the number of Councils in the State from 156 to 72.

“This report is the foundation for creating stronger councils for a growing Queensland,” Mr Beattie said. Recommendations include:-

• Reducing existing councils from 156 to 72.
• Reducing the number of Mayors or Chairpersons from 156 to 72.
• Reducing the number of Councillors from 1094 to 454.
• This is a total reduction of 724 politicians.
• Creating a new class of councils – regional councils - representing key economic development hubs of the State.
• For the 2008 elections all councils subject to the review, apart from the Torres Strait Island Regional Council and the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council, should conduct their election on an undivided basis.
• New names for amalgamated Councils are based on relevant local geographical features or nomenclature.

However it is important to note that where two or more Councils have been amalgamated and these Councils share concerns regarding the adopted name we will accept a unanimous submission from the councils for a different name.

Mr Beattie said State Cabinet had considered the report this morning and had agreed the recommendations on boundaries would be adopted ‘lock, stock and barrel’.

He said other recommendations such as elections on an undivided basis would need to be considered in more detail over the next few days.


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