Obama’s visit to Canberra is being touted that his address to Parliament will be the defining speech of his first term on how he views America's role in the (Asia-Pacific) region.

America’s role will be military, according to veteran Cairns Peace by Peace activist, Bryan Law.
“The White House has not confirmed an expected announcement of expanded American access to Australian army bases, but says the 'next phase' of the alliance will be on the agenda,” Bryan Law says.
There will be a rally in Canberra next Thursday when Obama addresses the Australian Parliament.
Obama is also going to review Australian troops in Darwin, the home of Australia’s Tiger Attack Helicopter Squadron. Local activists are planning to protest Obama’s commitment to the militarisation of northern Australia.
If you live in Cairns, Bryan Law is inviting you to attend the Community Peace workshop at the Tanks Arts Centre. This will be held on Wednesday 16th November at 6pm. More info from Chris Stannard 4032 6609. The workshop will offer an opportunity to talk to the Council, through its Community Development branch, what kinds of actions we’d like Cairns to take in becoming a city of peace.
"Right now, Cairns – as part of Australia – is rapidly becoming a city of war," Bryan Law says. "We have around 1,500 troops at war in Afghanistan. Some are training Afghan Army regulars, some are special forces carrying out kill/capture night raids - targeted assassination."
Bryan Law says that three times since May this year, twice in the last 10 days, Afghan regular army soldiers have fired on Australian troops, killing four, and wounding ten.
"Australian troops are seen as part of a US occupation of Afghanistan, and are not welcome in Cairns," Bryan Law says. "The war in Afghanistan has been going on for ten years. Civilian casualties and Coalition troop casualties are higher now than ever before, and the growth in deaths/injuries is accelerating. Prime Minister Gillard, or KillHard as I prefer, is now saying that Australian troops will be fighting in Afghanistan well beyond 2014 which has, up until now, been the scheduled date of departure.''
Whilst Barack Obama is in Australia next week, the government will sign agreements to host US troops in every Australian base at home and around the world, and to host visiting US warships in every port in Australia.

"Australia will now become a deputy sherrif to US wars in both the Indian - Middle East - and Pacific - China, North Korea - Oceans,'' Bryan Law says. ''We are doomed to a condition of perpetual war and global hatred.''
''The Cairns Regional Council response to this is to lobby for an expansion of HMAS Cairns, and fore more US warship visits. Mayor Val Schier pretends to be a 'Mayor for Peace', but is in fact a 'Dupe for War,' Bryan Law says.
''If you want a better future for Cairns, if you want peace in the world, come along to the workshop and put your thinking forward.''
- Community Peace workshop
Tanks Arts Centre
- Wednesday 16th November, 6pm
Info - Chris Stannard 4032 6609
Light refreshments will be served
"Australian troops are seen as part of a US occupation of Afghanistan, and are not welcome in Cairns,"
Says who? They are more than welcome in Cairns by the vast majority of the people, as is the expansion of HMAS Cairns.
So what's the position of Gavin King on this Bryan? I seem to recall he is a supporter of a military expansion in Cairns, and that this is a bilateral policy? Presumably then, as pointed out by nomooremike quoting you directly, he is not listening to "the people", which is actually your own specific allegation against Cr Shier?
What happened mate, you didn't use to be such a hypocrit?
"Australian troops are seen as part of a US occupation of Afghanistan, and are not welcome in Cairns,"
I hadn't heard this before Bryan - and whilst I strongly disagree, I do respect your right to your own opinions and beliefs.
In the Cairns that I live in, our men and women in uniform are well and truly welcome. Always have been and always will be.
DARE TO READ http://www.henrymakow.com/veteransdayrequires.html
Interesting to note, this weekend construction of a white cover over a new radar installation out at the airport. This is a sure sign that the hardware is now being used as part of a military up-grade of military infrastructure. The first time in 20 years I have seen such an obvious and permanent military presence.
Steve Brech
Maybe it's being made "drone-ready" Steve?
The mind boggles what behind-the-scenes operators with their catch-all 'national security' fig-leaf might get up to without proper scrutiny from the mainstream media and in Parliament (oh wait, there isn't any proper scrutiny from the mainstream media and in Parliament!)
I hope you can change that - at least in the Queensland Parliament!
Personally I would prefer NO foreign troops on Australian soil. If we must have any, I'd much rather an Iranian base than another US base.
Iran has no track record of invasive wars in recent centuries. Its soldiers would be much less likely to start drunken brawls in pubs. Best of all, if we ever politely asked the Iranians to leave, there's a reasonable chance they'd comply without trying to topple our elected government.
It seems like some have you have brains that turn to gooey green (or white) jelly at the sight of a man in uniform. I think Nomoore would even welcome the SS as long as the leather was shiny.
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