Thursday 7 June 2012

Lake Street refurbishment is a priority says Councillor Richie Bates

Cairns councilor Richie Bates has called for the reinstatement of 36 million worth of state government funding to revamp Lake Street Mall and bus transit zones for the CBD.

The city centre Councilor has requested meetings with the new state government to secure money for the urgently needed overhaul of the Lake Street mall incorporating a new bus station.

“This project is critical to the survival of the CBD," Richie Bates says.  “The redevelopment of Lake Street will help restore life to the city through improved parking, vehicle access and public transport.”

“The potential to improve traffic flow while creating an attractive and safe public space is of paramount importance and long overdue.  This project is the catalyst for the revitalization of all the CBD and will work in harmony with the proposed city centre master plan.”

“Business is really suffering in town and we need to get things started as soon as possible.  I have requested a meeting with the Member for Cairns Gavin King to include other key stakeholders,” Cr Bates said.

“By all parties working together I believe this project still stands a chance of going ahead in a reasonable timeframe.”


Bryan Law said...

Who are the other stakeholders you're inviting Richie? I'd be interested in participating. I speak for those who want a pedestrian area as our civic place.

Richie said...


I'd like to see the community involved as much as possible. Transport advocates, business, individuals, gov agencies etc. I have asked Gavin to hold the meeting and i suspect he will arrange it given the state holds the purse strings.